Published: 2021-03-06

Outpatient Satisfaction based on the Quality of Radiology Services: (Case Study in Central Java Hospital)

Dartini, Fatimah, M. Irwan Katili, Sugiyanto, A. Haris Sulistyadi, Bagus Dwi Handoko

01 - 07

Comparative Effects of Chewing Gums in Oral Health: An Original Research

Dr. Farhat Jabeen, Dr. Mahesh Shivaji Chavan, Dr. Kameswari Kondreddy, Dr. Rahul V. C. Tiwari, Dr. Heena Tiwari, Dr. Puneeta Vohra

37 - 42

Application of Problem-Based Teaching Methods in the Development of Mathematical Thinking Skills of Students

Khudoynazarov Egambergan Madraximovich, Yarmetov Jumanazar Ruzimovich

43 - 47

Administrative Restrictions in the Field of Business Activity

Selimanova Svetlana Mikhailovna, Ataev Shokir Quranboevich

90 - 94

Prospects for the Application of the Kpi System in Tourism During the Digitalization Process

Farkhod Ozodovich Abdullaev, Nurulla Bakhromovich Fayzullaev

95 - 101

Rational Forms and Methods of Learning in Creative Universities of Uzbekistan

Antonina Kosheleva, Shakhnoza Sabirova, Timur Sabirov

124 - 132

The Fauna of Stoneflies (Insecta: Plecoptera) in Uzbekistan

Lebedeva N.I., Akhmedova Z.Y., Mustafaeva Z.A., Kholmatov B.R., Mirzaeva G.S.

141 - 147

The Vocabulary Layer of the Khorezm Kipchak Dialect

Zarifboy Dosimov, Shahnoza Alimova

155 - 165

Some Linguistic Peculiarities of the Speeches for the Defense Made by Female Public Defense Lawyers in the Soviet Period

Irina Gennadievna Bradetskaya, Elena Aleksandrovna Burdina, Zalipaeva Zhanna Pavlovna, Selifonova Elena Dmitrievna, Natalia Yurievna Solovyova

244 - 260


author1, author2

278 - 290

Student Learning Factors in J-QAF Khatam Al-Quran Model

Ishak H., Mamat M. H., Mohd. Saad M. F., Mohamad S., Mohd. Aderi Che Noh, Miftachul Huda, Andino Maseleno

291 - 300

Correlation of Teaching Styles of English Teachers with Students Engagement in Secondary Classes

Saima Mazloom, Muhammad Athar Hussain, Mohd. Aderi Che Noh, Miftachul Huda, Andino Maseleno

301 - 325

Factors Influencing Youth’sAkhlaq: A Survey in Arfiah Shelter Home

Norhafizah Musa, Siti SuhailaIhwani, Azahar Yaakub, Adibah Muhtar, Adnan N. I. M., Mohd. Izhar Ariff Mohd. Kashim, Mohd. Aderi Che Noh, Miftachul Huda, Andino Maseleno

326 - 334

Fruits as Desserts: An Islamic and Scientific Perspective

Mohd. Izhar Ariff Mohd. Kashim, Nur Asmadayana Hasim, Nasran Mohamad, Mohd. Helmy Mokhtar, Mohd. Aderi Che Noh, Miftachul Huda, Andino Maseleno

335 - 342

Histopathological Study Post Helicobacter Pylori Infection in Mice

Aseel I. Ibrahim, Zainab I. Ibrahim, Zainab Jamal M. Jawad

370 - 377

Association of MET12 Gene Mutation with the Benign Breast Cancer in Iraqi Woman

Suhair Hassan Alkutbi, Rasha S. Ameen, Ataa A. J. Al Timimi

378 - 384

Methods of Teaching English Language Vocabulary to the First-Year Uzbek Students

Jalilova Miray Rustambekovna, Allanyazov Marat Bakhavedinovich, Jumaniyazova Enajon Qutimovna, Duldulova Nigora Ashimovna, Meyliyeva Gulnoza Minggirovna

394 - 406

Effect of Mineral Fertilizers on the Yield of Raw Materials of Salvia (Salvia Officinalis L)

Ulugova Safargul Fayzullayevna, Ruzmetov Umid Ismailovich

407 - 414

Lingu-Didactical Basis of Teaching English Learning Vocabulary to the First-Year Uzbek Audience Students

Tashtemirova Mufassal Alidjanovna, Kharatova Shakhlo Khakimovna, Tulaboeva Gulorom Tulaboevna, Akhmatova Khalida Shukurovna, Utashev Kuldash Xafizovich

415 - 429

The Effect of Mineral Fertilizers on the Yield of Raw Materials of Prospective Medicinal Plants of the Asteraceae Family

Ruzmetov Umid Ismailovich, Mukhsimov Nurillo Pulatovich, Ulugova Safargul Fayzullaevna

430 - 436

Pasture Livestock Effects on Agricultural Land in Samarkand Region

Sattarov Abdisamat Umirkulovich, Namozov Jurabek Abduazizovich, Rajabov Furkat Turakulovich

447 - 451

Analysis of Eponyms in the Terminology of Dermatovenerology

Nilufar Sadullaeva, Dilfuza Sapaeva

452 - 459

Vocational Guidance in General Secondary Schools

Ergashev Sharibboy To'lanovich

460 - 466

Shrines with the Wonders of Nature of the Jizzakh Oasis

Farrux Akchayev, Jurabek Kovulov

467 - 473

Oriental Foundations of Pythagorean Studies

Ruzmatova Gulnoz Miraxrarovna

479 - 489

Dependence of the National Idea on the Laws of Political, Legal and Spiritual Life

Ijod Narzikulovich Akhmedov, Sanjar Toshpulatovich Mamatkulov

501 - 509

Plastic Approach to Acting

Yusupova Marina Rimovna

524 - 536

Virtual Labs in Distance Learning

Muradova Firuza Rashidovna

537 - 545

The Issue of Historical Works in American Literature

Ikromkhonova FiruzaIkromovna, Yusupova SanobarTursunbayevna, Nishonova Dilfuza Homidovna, Kodirova Gavkhar Alisherqizi, Djuraeva Nilufar Bakhtiyarovna

546 - 557

Improving the Intangible Assets Accounting: In a Pandemic Period

Rizaev Nurbek Kadirovich, Temirkhxanova Mutabar Juraevna, Li Shaomin

573 - 590

The Psychological and Cognitive Benefits of Multilingualism

Sayfullaeva Yulduz, Surmanov Sardor, Azimova Maftuna

591 - 596

Pragmatic Interpretation of Word-Sentences in Uzbek Language

Mukhabbat Kurbanova, Flera Sayfullina, Zulnura Karimova

623 - 632

A Mind Map to Show the Place of the Generations of the Baburians in the World Civilization

А. G. Ganiev, T. D. Xudoyqulov, D. A. Maxmudov, M. Elboyeva, M. O. Abduraxmonov

643 - 648

Resource-Saving Maintenance and Repair of Special Self-Propelled Rolling Stock

Z. G. Mukhamedova, R. Yu. Tursunkhodjaeva, Z. V. Ergashevа, M. S. Tashmatova, V. V. Ergasheva

649 - 655

Family as a Subject of Psychocorrective Influence

Abdurakhimov Kodirjon Abdukhalilovich

656 - 668

Risk Assessment of Occupational Exposure to Air Pollution in Baghdad City

Hind S. Younis, Enaam J. Abdullah, Maitham A. Sultan

686 - 700

Prediction of Diabetes Mellitus using Ensembled Machine learning Techniques

Oindrila Banerjee, Dr. K. V. V. Satyanarayana

701 - 711


author1, author2

719 - 727


author1, author2

728 - 733


author1, author2

734 - 739


author1, author2

740 - 749


author1, author2

750 - 757

Correlation among Puerperium Mother Anxiety with Check-Up Childbed in the Covid-19Pandemic

Yeni Aryani, Lailiyana, Hamidah, Ani Laila, Wawan Rismawan

763 - 767

Familial Phenotypic Spectrum of Reis-Bücklers Corneal Dystrophy: A Rare Case

Mentari Nurul Mutmainnah, Hasnah Eka, Muhammad Abrar Ismail

768 - 774

Correlation between Stress and Anxiety onGeriatric Population Geriatric Population LivingIn Pondicherry

Sangeetha Kasinathan, Ramesh Venkatachalam, Sridhar Krishnamoorthy

855 - 861

Monitoring of Emotional Status and Identity Verification of a Vehicle Driver

Dr. S. S Sivaraju, Dr. M. Meenakumari, M. Thiruveni, S .Suryaprakash, Dr. P. Vinoth Kumar

884 - 892

A Cardiovascular Disease Prediction using Machine Learning Algorithms

Rubini P. E., Dr. C. A. Subasini, Dr. A. Vanitha Katharine, V. Kumaresan, S. Gowdham Kumar, T. M. Nithya

904 - 912

Design and Implementation of Solar Powered Electric Vehicle for Multitasking Application in Agriculture

Karthikeyan P., S. Vinothini, Lakshmanan M., N. Selvam, Dr. P. Jenopaul, Kumaresan V.

923 - 930

HCCT Model for Detection of Malicious Node in Wireless Sensor Network

Ananya Kuanar, Sandeep Kumar Kabi, Swapnashree Satapathy, Saswati Mishra, Ruchi Bhuyan, Dattatreya Kar

939 - 946

ETL - A Solution to Challenging Issues in Big Data Analytics

Gendlal M. Vaidya, Dr. Manali M. Kshirsagar

947 - 952

Design of an 8-bit Low Power Flash ADCin 90-nm

Bharathesh Patel N., Dr. Manju Devi

960 - 966

Hybrid Swarm Intelligence Algorithm for Solving Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows

C. S. Sundar Ganesh, Dr .R. Sivakumar, Dr. N. Rajkumar

967 - 988

Implementation of Hydroponics as a Twin Support for Electric Power

H. Mary Henrietta, Megavathi Mohanraj

1002 - 1007

Role of Ultrasonography in Evaluatinghepatic Pathologies

Koneru Veeren, Shrikanth Sanjeev Shetty

1031 - 1040

Detection of Unwanted Messages and Fraudulent User Identification on Social Network

Dr. R. Senthamil Selvi1, Dr. S. Mohana, Prof. S. Uma Maheswari, Dr. R. Pushpalakshmi, Prof. L. Amudha

1041 - 1048

Location and Temporal based Multi-Cloud Package Selection for Enterprise

K. S. Guruprakash, M. Jaiganesh, V. Vijey Nathan, R. Sathya

1066 - 1075

Task Oriented Joint Multiple Resource Allocation Method for Cloud Computing Environment

R. Meena, P. Shanthi, M. Akila, M. Bala Nivetha, T. Cidharshini, N. Gayathiri

1114 - 1122

A Survey on Decentralized crewing algorithm to Enhance the Web Performance

K. Makanyadevi, K. Nathiya, C. P. Thamil Selvi

1136 - 1141

The Rational Approach, Its Concept, Methods, Uses and its Effects on the Recipients

Dr. Amr Mohamed Sayed Imam, Dr. Ahmad Effat Bin Mokhtar, Ainuddin Bin Kamaruddin, Muhammad Fakhruddin Bin Ishak

1182 - 1188

Segmentation and Recognition of Sclera trait using Adaptive Gabor Filter

M. S. Maheshan, B. S. Harish, C. K. Roopa

1207 - 1215

Rapid and Cost Effective COVID-19 Diagnostic Test Kit

Muniraj Bhattacharya, Preeta Bose, Abhishek Jana, Srikanta Chandra

1230 - 1239

A Role of Antioxidants in Cervical Cancer

N. Asvinkumar, B. Gopalakrishnan, R. Selvam, D. Saravanan

1240 - 1248



1258 - 1265

Clinical Study of Benign Lesions of Larynx

Abilash P. M., Jothikumar

1277 - 1285

Antioxidant Activity in Toffees and Selected Medicinal Plants

Gopalakrishnan B., Ahamed Kandu Sahib S. K. A., Selvam R., Lakshmanan G.

1294 - 1300

Corona Virus-A review concerns about the present scenario

Ananya Kuanar, Sandeep Kumar Kabi, Swapnashree Satapathy, Saswati Mishra, Ruchi Bhuyan, Dattatreya Kar

1301 - 1315

Analysis Of Dental Caries Pathogenesis By Genomic and Metagenomic Approach

Dr. Ruchi Bhuyan, Dr. Sanat Kumar Bhuyan, Akankshya Sahu, Gayatri Nayak

1316 - 1318

Acute Complications of Diabetes Mellitus-A Clinicians Experience

Dr. Samir Sahu, Dr. Ruchi Bhuyan, Dr. Dattatrey Kar

1319 - 1321

Breast Cancer: Prevalence, Prevention and Treatment

Dr. Ria Ganguly, Dr. Lipilekha Patnaik, Dr. Trilochan Sahu, Dr. Mahima Panigrahi, Dr. Ruchi Bhuyan, Dr. Dattatrey Kar

1322 - 1324

Invention and Apprehension in Development of Covid 19 Vaccine-A Comprehensive Review

Dr. Prasanna Kumar Sahoo, Prof. Gangadhar Sahoo, Prof. Bhagirathi Kar, Dr. Ruchi Bhuyan

1325 - 1329

Understanding Oral Genomics Through Computational Analysis

Dr. Ruchi Bhuyan, Dr. Sanat Kumar Bhuyan, Akankshya Sahu, Gayatri Nayak

1330 - 1332

Adrenal Insufficiency- A Short Review

Dr. Samir Sahu, Dr. Ruchi Bhuyan, Dr. Dattatrey Kar

1333 - 1335

Extra Ovarian Granulosa Cell Tumor

Pendyala Sujata, Sujata P. Mishra, Tapan Pattanaik, Tanushree Rath, Gangadhar Sahoo, Dr. Dattatrey Kar, Dr. Ruchi Bhuyan

1336 - 1339

Preoperative Risk Assessment of Adnexal Masses Using Simple Rules from the International Ovarian Tumor Analysis Group

Pendyala Sujata, Sujata P. Mishra, Jayasri Kurra, Dr. Dattatrey Kar, Dr. Ruchi Bhuyan

1340 - 1351

Nutritional Status of Pregnant Women in India

Dr. Sumita Sharma, Dr. Lipilekha Patnaik, Dr. Sumitra Pattanaik, Dr. Dattatrey Kar, Dr. Ruchi Bhuyan

1352 - 1355

Analysis of the Agua Dulce Artesian Well in Ormoc City Basis for Environmental Management

Dr. Delicia C. Inghug, Dr. Beatrice D. Mabitad, Dr. Joergen T. Arradaza, Ruderico M. Endriano, Joseph Jaymel S. Morpos, Wilson A. Pogosa, Dr. Mark N. Abadiano

1356 - 1362

Blood Sugar Prediction with an Improved Mechanism for Diabetic using Recurrent Neural Networks

A. K. Saritha, I. Jeena Jecob, Beena G. Pillai, Madhurya J. A., Dr. Dayanand Lal N.

1394 - 1400



1401 - 1409

Biochemical Evaluation of Lipids in Obesity Patients

Sivakumar D., Gopalakrishnan B., Selvam R., Lakshmanan G.

1422 - 1428

Clinical Evaluation of Acrochordons and its Association in Systemic Diseases

E. Malarmangai, K. Harsha Vardhan, K. Manoharan

1429 - 1441

Clinico Epidemiological Study of Psoriasis in a Tertiary Care Hospital

M. Tharanika, A. Bhuvanaratchagan, K. Manoharan

1604 - 1618

Effectiveness of Edible Film Chitosan from Waste White Shrimp (Litopenaeusvannamei) in Reducingcolonization of Porphyromonas Gingivalis Bacteria: In Vitro Research

Harun Achmad, Asdar Gani, ArniIrawaty Djais, Lenny Indriani Hatta, Irene Edith Rieuwpassa, Andi Yayang Adha Aprilia Monry

1673 - 1681

Soil Stabilisation using Cement

Mr. S. Andavana, P.Nagasaib

1692 - 1701

Legal Protection of Dental and Oral Therapists for Oral Delegation by Dentists

Sukini, Fuad Fatkhurrohman, Puji Lestari, Sri Nurdiana Purwaningsih, Ontran Sumantri Riyanto

1756 - 1761

Possibilities of Ovarian Endometriosis Neoplastic Transformation

Sergei A. Levakov, Tatyana A. Gromova, Aynur Mamedova, Elizaveta A. Obukhova

1768 - 1774

Tubular Bone Marrow Electrolytes

Nikolaeva Lyudmila Petrovna

1775 - 1780

Genetic Polymorphism of Kazakhstan Meat Breeds of Cattle in Relation to Resistance to Brucellosis

Irina Ya. Nam, Akmaral A. Adambayeva, Akhmetzhan A. Sultanov, Vladimir V. Zayakin

1781 - 1785

Pathological and Immunohistochemical Characteristics of the Pancreas in Infants who died from ARVI

Nazarbek Zhumanazarov, Lazzat Esmakova, Temirbekov Anvar, Khojaev Nurlan, Amina Ubaidaeva

1798 - 1803

Synovial Fluid in joint Patholgy by the Method of Scanning Electron Microscopy

R. Z. Alekseev, A. S. Golderova, C. N. Mamaeva, V. A. Platonova, O. G. Markova

1804 - 1812

Agile Software and Business Development Using Artificial Intelligence

Gurpreet Singh Panesar, Dasari Venkatesh, Manik Rakhra, Kapil Jairath, Mohammad Shabaz

1851 - 1857

Line Probe Assay Is Better Than CBNAAT for Diagnosis of Ileocolonic Tuberculosis: A Prospective Study

Dr. Anil Kumar G., Dr. Deepak Suvarna, Dr. Aradya H. V., Mr. Ravindran Kumar, Dr. Nandeesh H. P., Dr. Vijay Kumar T. R., Dr. Rithesh Reddy G.

1858 - 1867

Data Analytics and Resource Planning Using Deep Learning for Overcoming Challenges of Covid-19

Anandan P., Paramasivam M. E., Kavinkumar K., Eldho Paul, Dinesh P. M.

1884 - 1889

Identification and Classification of Mango Leaf Disease Using Wavelet Transform based Segmentation and Wavelet Neural Network Model

Satyasis Mishra, Ellappan V., Sunita Satapathy, Gemechu Dengia, Bayisa Taye Mulatu, Ferew Tadele

1982 - 1989

Soil Amendment with Flyash through Vermicomposting by the Action of Epigeic Earthworm

Sunita Satapathy, Yashaswi Nayak, Kunja Bihari Satapathy

1990 - 1999

IoT based Smart Irrigation for Agricultural Fields

Pradeep K. V., Balasundaram A., Rabindra Kumar Singh

2000 - 2009

Antimicrobial Peptides: An Emerging Catagory in Food Industries

Verinder Virk, Garima Verma, Chand Ram

2038 - 2042

Max 30100/30102 Sensor Implementation to Viral Infection Detection Based On Spo2 and Heartbeat Pattern

Dr. B. Annapurna, Asha Priyadarshini Manda, A. Clement Raj, Dr. R. Indira, Dr. Pratima Kumari Srivastava, Dr. V. Nagalakshmi

2053 - 2061

Education beyond COVID-19 –The World Academic Coalition

Dr. Chala Wata Dereso, Dr. Omprakash H. M., Dr. K. Ram Chandra, Dr. Javed Alam, Dr. K. S. V. K. S. Madhavi Rani, Dr. V. Nagalakshmi

2062 - 2076

Suspicion of the Revenge of Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh) Against the Jews of Banu Qurayza and the Response to it

Dr. Mohammed Ebrahim El. Sherbinysakr, Mohammed Elsayed Mohammed Mohammed Abdou, laa EddinIsmaail, Nikahmadmumtaz Bin Nik Din

2077 - 2085



2103 - 2119



2149 - 2161

Antibacterial Activity by Lithiumnanoparticles has been Synthesis with Muse Spp. Peels

Sadiyhayasir Offi Al-Jubory, Ghasoun Mohammedaliwadai, Wafaaabdalwahed Jheel

2181 - 2189

The Effect of Chemical Compounds on Smartphone Surface-Isolated Bacteria

Khansaa A. Hussein, Hind A. Salih, Ali B. Roomi

2190 - 2197


author1, author2

2220 - 2228

Relationship between the Oral Hygiene and the Odontogenic Infections of Oral and Maxillofacial Region

Mohammed Kadhim Al-Koofee, Norehan Moktar, Dr. Siti Lailatul Akmar Binti Zainuddin

2229 - 2237

Effects of Long Term Breastfeeding on Development and Health of Children

Turdikul Akramovich Bobomuratov, Nafisa Sabirovna Sultanova, Mafura Abdukarimovna Sagdullaeva, Dilnoza Jamalovna Sharipova

2243 - 2250

Digital Economy as a Driver of Innovative Development

Narmanov Ulug’bek Abdug’ Apporovich

2251 - 2260

History of the Ancient Ethnic Processes of the Khorezm Oasis

Matyakubov Кhamdam Khamidjanovich

2261 - 2276

Specifics of Communicative Competence of a Primary School Teacher

Tashmatova Mukarram, Turgunova Nilufar, Abdumuminova Ozoda, Plieva Ruslana, Nuritdinov Shuhrat

2277 - 2282

Features of Complex Surgical and Infusion Treatment of Sepsis in Diabetes Mellitus

Sayfullo Abdullaev, Uygun Rahmanov, Utkir Khudaynazarov, Jasurkhon Aslamov, Farrukh Yuldashev, Davlatshokh Djalolov

2283 - 2288

Problems of Diagnostics, Prevention and Surgical Tactics of Treatment of Adhesive - Intestinal Obstruction

Sayfullo Abdullaev, Iskandar Shonazarov, Uygun Rahmanov, Abdukhomid Toirov

2289 - 2294

Antiarrhythmic Activity of N-Deacety lappaconitine when Administered Orally

Zafar Isomiddinovich Sanoev, Tolmas Tolibovich Khamroev, Farkhad Nabievich Djaxangirov, Alimdjan Zairovich Sadikov, Shamansur Shakhsaidovich Sagdullaev

2339 - 2346

High Resolution Computed Tomography Findings in Patients with Persistent Asthma

Dr. Samet E. Kasim, Dr. Falah A. Daly, Dr. Iman J. Kadhim, Dr. Laith F. Nahi

2355 - 2362

Β-Sitosterol Augment Antihyperlipidemic Effect in Hyperlipidemic Rats Induced by triton

Mazin A. A. Najm, Ghassan Salah Ahmed, Mais Mazin Al- Hamdani, Falah Hassan Shari

2381 - 2391

The Role of Moringaoleifrera Seed Extract in Amelioration of Kidney Injury Induced by Sodium Nitrite in Male Rats

Ashwaq Kadhem Obeid, Heba Alwan Abd - Alsalam Alsalame, Rawaa Hamid Abdulshahed

2392 - 2402



2403 - 2409

Effects of Environmental Pollution Generated by the Garbage Dump on the Population of Centro Pobladochilla, Juliaca - Peru

Julio Cesar Quispe-Mamani, Ronald Raúl Arce-Coaquira, Nelly Jacqueline Ulloa-Gallardo, Adderly Mamani-Flores, Santotomas Licimaco Aguilar-Pinto

2416 - 2433

The Effect of Educational Curriculum Implementation Related to Tracheal Intubation on Preventing Clinical and Psychological Consequences of COVID-19 among Intensive Care Unit Personnel

Kamelia Ghajarzadeh, Maryam Milani Fard, Hamidreza Alizadeh Otaghvar, Seyed Hamid Reza Faiz, Ali Dabbagh, Masood Mohseni, Salume Sehat Kashani, Amir Mohammad Milani Fard, Mahmoud Reza Alebouyeh

2449 - 2456

Effects of Dexmedetomidine and Propofol on Hemodynamic Stability and Ventilation Time in Patients Suffering COVID-19 Admitting to Intensive Care Units

Kamelia Ghajarzadeh, Maryam Milani Fard, Hamidreza Alizadeh Otaghvar, Seyed Hamid Reza Faiz, Ali Dabbagh, Masood Mohseni, Salume Sehat Kashani, Amir Mohammad Milani Fard, Mahmoud Reza Alebouyeh

2457 - 2465

The prominent chest CT findings in Covid-19 patients: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Kamelia Ghajarzadeh, Maryam Milani Fard, Mahmoud Reza Alebouyeh, Hamidreza Alizadeh Otaghvar, Ali Dabbagh, Masood Mohseni, Salume Sehat Kashani, Amir Mohammad Milani Fard, Seyed Hamid Reza Faiz

2466 - 2484



2500 - 2513

Nature Philosophy as a New Basis for Climate Forecast

Askar Iskenderov, Nurserik K. Kudereev

2514 - 2525

Differentiation of Adverse Outcomes in Medical Practice: Moral and Legal Aspects (Russian Health System Set as an Example)

Chashina Zh. V., Belkin A. I., Mochalov E. V., Eldin M. A., Shirshov A. V.

2526 - 2536

The Accountability of Zakat Management in BAZNAS of North Sulawesi Province

Nur Fitry Latief, David P. E. Saerang, Herman Karamoy, Sri Murni

2537 - 2546

Design and Development of Solar Powered Autonomous Multi Crop Planting Machine

Mr. R. Rajkumar, Mr. T. Jagathesh, Mr. R. Deepak, Mr. N. Gokul Raja, Mr. S. Saran

2547 - 2553

Contrast Enhancement for MRI Image Using Hybrid Optimization Technique

R. Sabitha, J. Shanthini, M. S. Kavitha, R. M. Bhavadharini, B. Chellaprabha

2554 - 2566

A Survey on the Student Preconceptions about Physiology among the Students of Saveetha Dental College

Aldrin Joshua, Jothi Priya, Gayathri Devi, Lakshminarayanan Arivarasu

2567 - 2574

Effect of Dietary Habits, Disease Pattern and Psychological Stress on Known Essential Hypertensive Patients

Ashwin Shravan Kumar, Jothi Priya, Gayathri Devi, Lakshminarayanan Arivarasu

2575 - 2600

Awareness on Vitamin B12 Supplementation in Patients with type Ii Diabetes Mellitus

Chaitanya Shree P., Jothi Priya, Gayatri Devi, Lakshminarayanan Arivarasu

2601 - 2608

Influence of Stress among Dental Undergraduate Students

Lasya Genji, Jothi Priya, Gayatri Devi R., Lakshminarayanan Arivarasu

2609 - 2621

Awareness on Gestational Weight Gain among Pregnant Women in Chennai - A Survey

Jagadheeswari Ramamoorthy, Jothi Priya, Gayathri Devi, Lakshminarayanan Arivarasu

2622 - 2639

Influence of Yoga and Zumba on Memory among South Indian Populations - A Survey

Joseph George Kallivayalil, Jothi Priya, Gayathri Devi, Lakshminarayanan Arivarasu

2640 - 2647

Effects of Oil Pulling on Bad Breath and Cavities

Kaviyaselvi Gurumurthy, Jothi Priya, Gayathri Devi, Lakshminarayanan Arivarasu

2648 - 2656

Knowledge, Awareness and Attitude of Medical Students on Oral Hygiene

Mabithashri, Jothi Priya, Gayathri Devi, Lakshminarayanan Arivarasu

2657 - 2664

Awareness of Self Medication Practices among Dental Undergraduate Students.

Nandita R., Jothi Priya, Gayathri Devi, Lakshminarayanan Arivarasu

2665 - 2674

Effects of Valerian Root on Menstrual Disorders

Preethi Shankar, Jothi Priya, Gayathri Devi, Lakshminarayanan Arivarasu

2675 - 2684

Impact of Fenugreek on Blood Pressure

Rahul Prasath, Jothi Priya, Gayathri Devi, Lakshminarayanan Arivarasu

2685 - 2691

Comparative Effect on the Influence of Yoga and Aerobics on Memory among South Indian People

Ranjeth Rajan K. V., Jothi Priya, Gayathri, Lakshminarayanan Arivarasu

2692 - 2702

Effects of Stress on Blood Pressure - A Survey

M. Infant Reshawn, Jothi Priya, Gayathri Devi, Lakshminarayanan Arivarasu

2703 - 2711

Effect of Green Tea on Dental Health

Sai Sanjith, Jothi Priya, Gayathri Devi, Lakshminarayanan Arivarasu

2712 - 2720

Comparison on the Effectiveness of Sesame Oil and Peppermint Oil - A Survey

Shradha Jain, Jothi Priya, Gayathri Devi, Lakshminarayanan Arivarasu

2721 - 2729

Knowledge and Awareness of Chemotherapy among South Indian Population

S. Sivaharini, Jothi Priya, Gayathri Devi, Lakshminarayanan Arivarasu

2730 - 2738

Influence of Memory on Yoga and Aerobics among South Indian Population

Snehaa Baskaran, Jothi Priya, Gayathri Devi, Lakshminarayanan Arivarasu

2739 - 2747

Knowledge and Prevalence of Hypertension and its Associated Risk Factors among the People in Thiruvallur Districts

Vigneshwaran Ravichandran, Jothi Priya A., Gayathri Devi, Lakshminarayanan Arivarasu

2757 - 2767

Effect of Oil Pulling Over Inflammation and Gum Health

Moulishree, Jothi Priya, Gayathri Devi, Lakshminarayanan Arivarasu

2768 - 2776

Assessing Academic Self-Efficacy, Knowledge and Attitude of Undergraduate Dental Students

Arun Kishore, Jothi Priya, Gayathri Devi, Lakshminarayanan Arivarasu

2777 - 2788

Load Balancing in Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Network

Anju Rani, Dr. Amit Kumar Bindal

2789 - 2802



2803 - 2813



2814 - 2822



2823 - 2833



2834 - 2839



2840 - 2845



2846 - 2854



2855 - 2860



2861 - 2869



2870 - 2874



2875 - 2881



2882 - 2885



2886 - 2891



2892 - 2895

Neuroendocrine Mechanisms of Pain in Newborn Children

Utaganova Guljahon Kholmuminovna, Ortikboyeva Nilufar Tursunbayevna, Abduhalik- Zade Gulnara Ahtamovna, Usmonova Munira Fayzullayevna

2896 - 2899



2900 - 2911

Technogenic Transformations of the Aidar- Arnasay Lake System and their Geological Consequences

Akhmadjonova U. T., Akhmadjonova Y. T., Yakhshieva Z. Z.

2912 - 2916



2917 - 2922



2923 - 2930

Improving the Essence of the Relationship between Tourist and Intellectual Potential in Modern Life

Gimranova Olga Barisovna, Narzullaeva Durdona Kuysunovna, Shermukhamedov Abbas Tairovich, Shermukhamedov Bobur Abbasovich, Khasanova Jamila Nizamiddinovna

2931 - 2937

Soil Erosion in Large Slopes and its Prevention Measures

Kasimbetova Saltanat, Mamataliev Adkham, Botirov Shavkat, Khayitova Makhbuba, Ergashova Dinara

2938 - 2945

Professional Development of the Teacher's Personality in the System of Secondary Special Vocational Education

Samieva Shakhnoz Hikmatovna, Raxmatov Shuxrat Axadovich, Asadova Sitora Sadullaevna, Djurayeva Taxmina Saidovna

2946 - 2949

Mechanisms of Professional Competence Development in Future Teachers based on Pedagogical and Technical Knowledge

Dustnazar Omonovich Khimmataliev, Kakhramon Tanzilovich Olmov, Ranajon Matyakubovna Abdullaeva, Bobirjon Bakhodirovich Ergashev, Khadicha Toshbaevna Chulponova

2950 - 2958

Methods of Training of Teachers of Technical University on Advanced Training Courses

Zukhra Karabaevna Ismailova, Aynisa Musurmanova, Nigora Nabijonovna Shomurotova, Nargiza Abduvalievna Kholiqova, Abdakim Mamataliev

2959 - 2970

New Information in the Education System and Technology of Communication

Ruzimurot Kungiratovich Choriev, Odina Rasulovna Jamoldinovna, Khudoymurot Chorshanbievich Dusyarov, Guzal Erkinovna Eshchanova, Ulugbek Annazarovich Nullaev

2971 - 2981

Cultural and Historical Prerequisites for the Development of the Innovative Potential of the Subject of Creativity

Jurayeva Sohibjamol Norkobilovna, Kiyamov Nishon Sadikovich, Shodiev Fakhriddin Teshaevich, Suyarova Lola Gulmurodovna, Sultonov AkramIkromovich

2982 - 2986

Integrated Approach to Moral Education

Masuda Kamildjanovna Khashimova, Durdona Asilovna Mustafoeva, Malokhat Olimovna Kamilova, Alisher Nasrullaevich Saydullaev, Ikromjon Ganijonovich Mamazhanov

2987 - 2992

Reflection of Onomastic Principles in Naming

Nilufar Sadullaeva, Maftuna Bakhtiyorova

3001 - 3007

The Peculiarities of Incomplete Sentences in Modern English

Nilufar Sadullaeva, Umida Burieva

3008 - 3020

Methodology of Concept and Conceptual Analysis

Babanazarova Sokhiba Abdusharipovna, Alisher Navoiy

3021 - 3027

Development of Technology for Obtaining Bactericidal and Wounding Ointment

N. B. Abdunazarova, V. R. Khaydarov, G. B. Vafokulova, U. A. Khadjiyeva

3033 - 3038

Diagnostics and Treatment of Dorsalgia at the Military Servicemen of the Emergency Military Service

Mirdjuraev E .M., Djabbarov A. M., Kilichev I. A., Khudayberganov N. Y., Shamuratova G. B.

3039 - 3045

Extraction of Microorganisms in the Cotton Rhizosphere and the Study of Their Practical Significance

Ruzmetov Rasul, Abdullaev Ikram, Matyakubov Zafar, Sayyora Babajanova, Hulkar Babajanova

3046 - 3060

To the Question of Studying the Role of Anthropogenic Factors in the Complex Environmental Impact on Population Health in the South Priaralie

Gozzal Tawmuratova, Farida Otenova, Nodira Mirametova, Muyassar Tajibaeva, Ulbike Qudaybergenova

3061 - 3065

The Teacher’s Role in the Effective Organization of the Lesson Process in Foreign Language

Rakhmatova Sunbula Ahmadjonovna, Aytmuratova Perxan Genjibaevna, Normuradova Nasiba Saydullaevna, Rakhimova Nigora Atakulovna, Ibragimova Dilbar Sadulayevna

3072 - 3078

The Role of Nurses in Organizing Hiv Prevention Work in Educational Institutions

Mirkhamidova Sevara, Rustamova Hamida, Umarov Botirjon, Kamilova Dilfuza, Pakhrudinova Nigora

3079 - 3088

Role of Digital platforms in Healthcare System in India: An Empirical Study

Dr. Juzer Rasul, Dr. Alka Upadhyay, Akhila Chintakunta, Dr. Snehal Shende, Dr. Ateet Kakti, Dr. Rahul Daga

3102 - 3111

Determination of Resistin, Apelin, Visfatin and Lipid Profile Levels Incolon Cancer Patients

Sukayna H. Rashed, Luay A. A. Al-Helaly, Firas T. Maher

3112 - 3123

Use of Gravitation Models in the Development of Tourism and Recreation

Abdulkhakimov Zuhrali Tursunalievich, Mullabayev Baxtiyarjon Bulturbayevich, Soliyev Ibodulloxon Ismatullayevich, Boyturaev Olimjon Urayimovich, Yokubjonovna Hulkarbonu Yokubovna

3124 - 3143

Simultaneous Operations in Gynecology and Surgery in Women of Reproductive Age

Ganiyev F. I., Negmajanov B. B., Shopulatov E. Kh., Mamatkulova M. J.

3144 - 3149

The Importance of Distance Education

Alfiya Jienbekovna Turekeeva

3158 - 3163

Obtaining Potassium Nitrate by the Conversion Method

O. A. Uzakov, Z. K. Dehkanov, X. Sh. Aripov

3164 - 3170

Fixed Angle Video Frame Diminution Technique for Vehicle Speed Detection

Vinay Jha Pillai, Kukatlapalli Pradeep Kumar, Boppuru Rudra Prathap, Sarath Chandra, Rajanish M.

3204 – 3210

A Review on Secure Multipath Routing Schemes for MANETs

Yarlagadda Sirisha, Pamidi Naga Venkata Siva Kumar, Nagendra Babu Rajaboina

3240 – 3252

Detection of Bisphenol in Pregnant Women and its Role in Abortion

Jaleel Ibrahim Asaad, Habeeb Waseel Kadhum Shubber, Nahidh Mohammad Jabur Almamori, Ayad M. J. Al-Mamoori, Rasha Nayyef Ali Assi Banwawi

3264 – 3269


author1, author2

3270 – 3284

Serological Tests for Diagnosis Corona virus (COVID-19):Review Article

Mohammed Qasim Waheeb, Nuha Mohammed Mousa

3285 – 3291

The effects of Towers Electromagnetic on White Mice Thyroid Gland: an Histological Study

Bassim Abdullah Al Khuzaee, Ahmed Mahdi Al Badri, Esraa Abdul Khaliq Zegye

3304 – 3313


author1, author2

3328 – 3337


author1, author2

3328 – 3340

Analysis the Risk of the Ship Accident in Indonesia with Bayesian Network Model Approach

Sereati Hasugian, Maulidiah Rahmawati, A. A. Istri Sri Wahyuni, Iie Suwondo, Imam Sutrisno

3341 - 3356

Digital Video Watermarking: Features, Techniques, and Challenges

Lakshay Sharma, Abhineet Anand, Naresh Kumar Trivedi, Mohit Sharma, Jaskaran Singh

3376 - 3385

Separation of Butyric Acid through agitated Bulk Liquid Membrane

Nishant Joshi, Amit Keshav, Akhilesh Khapre, Anil Kumar Poonia

3386 - 3391

Scrub Typhus: A Clinical Case Report

Ms. Savita Pohekar, Dr. Seema Singh

3392 - 3398

Microbial Screening: Insights into Production of Enzymes with Emphasis on Proteases

Bhavana Bhat B., K. S. Chandrashekar, Aravinda Pai, Mrinalini R., Garima Kango, Venkatesh Kamath B.

3399 - 3405

Transdermal Drug Delivery System: Review and Future

Preeta Bose, Abhishek Jana, Sanket Mandal, Srikanta Chandra

3420 - 3436

Angina pectoris: Revisiting an Age Old Menace

Srikanta Chandra, Preeta Bose, Abhishek Jana, Tathagata Roy, Arabinda Nayak, Somsubhra Ghosh

3437 - 3448

Analysis of Machine Learning Algorithms for Spam Filtering

Dr. M. S. Nidhya, Dr. L. Jayanthi, Dr. R. M. Sekar, Dr. J. Jeyabharathi, Mrs. Poonam

3469 - 3476

A Contrasting of the Pernicious and the Salubrious: An Assessment of the Global Impact of the Covid 19 Pandemic on Technology and Information.

Rajib Mandal, Reshma Maria Cocess D’Souza, Zinnia Sharma, Aswathi Raj L., Biju Soman, Dr. Kamath Madhusudana

3513 - 3524

COVID Health Prediction Using Hybrid Additive Model

Donepudi Babitha, M. R. Narasingarao

3525 - 3531

Foot-ulcer Wound Analysis Using Image Segmentation and Morphological Operations

Sudarvizhi D., Dr. M. Akila, Mirdhula J., Varshini S., Pooja M.

3552 - 3558

Smart Electronic Pill Popper System with Circular Containers

Sudarvizhi D., Aarif A., Renuprasanth A., Sathya V. S., Thirukural Ezhilan N., Anandkumar R.

3625 - 3630

Efficacy of Platlet Rich Plasma in Androgenic Alopecia: Systematic Review & Meta-Analysis

Dr. Mayur J. Gawande, Dr. Rajdeep Singh, Dr. Ravikanth P., Dr. Ashish Choudhary, Dr. Gowri Swaminatham Pendyala, Dr. Ashwin Hiremath

3650 - 3663

Efficacy of the Panoramic Radiography for Exploring Bone Mineral Density and Oral Health

Ankur Jethlia, Honey Lunkad, Shaista Haleem, Fazil Arshad Nasyam

3664 - 3670

Evaluation of Incidence, Distribution and Etiopathology of Cervical Lymphadenopathy in Patna Population

Dr. Mukesh Kumar, Dr. Ram Prasad Sah, Dr. Abhinav Raj Gupta, Dr. Priyadarshini Rangari

3671 - 3676

Role of Metformin in Enhancing Response to Neoadjuvant Chemo-Radiotherapy in Patients with Locally Advanced Rectal Carcinoma

Eman E. Abo Shama, Atef Y. Riad, Dina A. Salem, Amr L. Farrag, Diaa Eldin M. Sherif

3677 - 3687

Analyzing the Incidence and Factors Responsible for Maxillofacial Trauma and Postoperative Malocclusion- A Retrospective Study

Dr. Ram Prasad Sah, Dr. Mukesh Kumar, Dr. Abhinav Raj Gupta, Dr. Sudhanshu Kumar

3688 - 3694

Comparison between Preauricular Approach and Submandibular Risdon Approach for Managing Condylar Fractures

Dr. Ram Prasad Sah, Dr. Abhinav Raj Gupta, Dr. Wagisha Barbi, Dr. Sudhanshu Kumar, Dr. Mukesh Kumar, Dr. Debarshi Bhattacharjee

3695 - 3703

Cross-Cultural Context Of English Language Teaching

Khamzaev Sobir Amirovich, GilyazetdinovEldarZamirovich, Ashurova Feruza Lutpullayevna, Ibragimova Zarifa Nabiyevna, Sultanova Dilnoza Saliyevna

3737 - 3750

Analysis of Risk Factors for Obesity in Children

Guzaliya Marsovna Hasanova, Shoira Abdusalamovna Agzamova

3773 - 3780

Mental Health of Children and Adolescents during the Covid-19 Pandemic

Vasila K. Abdullaeva, Sunatulla R. Suleymanov, Janna T. Rustamova, Abdurakhim A. Ganikhanov, Timur F. Sattarov

3781 - 3786

Psychological Features of Cardiological Patients in the Process of Psychocorrection

Vasila K. Abdullaeva, Boburbek B. Safarbaev, Ravshan O. Palvanov, Siroj K. Kurbonboev, Bobur A. Muhtorov

3787 - 3793

Possibilities of Mini-Invasive Interventions in Pulmonary Echinococcosis

Zafar Israfulovich Murtazaev, Ulugbek Axrarovich Sherbekov, Shovkat Usmonovich Baysariev, Murodulla Isomiddinovich Rustamov, Jasur Pardaboyevich Radjabov

3794 - 3801

Study of the Effectiveness of the Use of Monoclonal Antibodies in Rheumatological Diseases

Zarrina Bakhtiyarovna Babamuradova, Gulandom Zikriyaevna Shodikulova

3802 - 3805

Morphofunctional Structural Features of Placenta in Women with Late Preterm Birth

Nargiz Nuraliyevna Shavazi, Sitora Amirzoda Tilyavova, Nilufar Akbarjonovna Akhtamova, Dilafruz Daniyarovna Kamalova, Shahlo Musinovna Homidova

3820 - 3823

Family Causes of Aggressive Behavior of Adolescents.

Bakhramova Abira Abdullaevna

3824 - 3831

Role of IL-10 Gene Polymorphisms in H. pylori infection

Fatima Amer Abd. Algabar, Entisar Mahdi Hamad, Shahad Nazzar Mustafa

3914 - 3923

Total Intravenous Anaesthesia for Intra-Operative Neurophysiological Monitoring

Dr. Siddharth M., Dr. Shylaja D., Dr. Gunasekaran

3943 - 3948

More Than Just Baby Blues? A Diagnostic Dilemma.

Dr. Swetha Mayilvahanan, Dr. Hephzibah Kirubamani

3949 - 3952

Wernicke's Encephalopathy Complicating Hyperemesis Gravidarum – A Rare Case Presentation

Dr. Lakshmipriyaa R. V., Dr. Rohni G., Dr. Tharaka Senathirajah

3958 - 3961

Neonatal Morbidity and Mortality of Low-Birth-Weight Neonates Admitted to a Tertiary Care Hospital

Dr. Asha A., Dr. Harish, Dr. Santosh Kumar K., Pon Lingeshwar

3969 - 3974

Spam filtering using Semantic and Rule Based model via supervised learning

S. Abiramasundari, Dr. V. Ramaswamy, Dr. J. Sangeetha

3975 - 3992

Learnability Metric in Software Quality Assurance

B. Thillaieaswaran, Dr. S. Pasupathy

3993 - 3997

The State-of-The-Art of Enterprise Risk Management Maturity Models: A Review

Franciskus Antonius Alijoyo, Ridwan Hendra, Kevin Bastian Sirait

4005 - 4014

Enhancing the Environmental Quality of the Interior Using Sustainability in the Jordanian Hospital Bedrooms

Saeed Hussein Alhmoud, Simge Bardak Denerel, Çiğdem Çağnan, Husam Hussein Alhmoud

4015 - 4026

A Comprehensive Study on Automated Anomaly Detection Techniques in Video Surveillance

P. Mangai Pannirselvam, M. Kalaiselvi Geetha, G. Kumaravelan

4027 - 4037

The Effectiveness of the Use of Ict in the Teaching of General Engineering in Universities in Uzbekistan

Ulugov B. D., Nurmatov F., Durmonova S., Tashmuratova Sh., Khaliyarov P., Saynazov J.

4038 - 4056

Multifunctional Optoelectronic Natural Resource Monitoring Systems

Turaev Bakhadir Ergashevich, Rakhimov Nematjon, Rakhimova Mekhribonu, Ulugov Bazar Dzhumaevich

4057 - 4066

Application of Artificial Neural Networks for Analysis of Pathologies in Blood Vessels

Rustamova Rano Parpievna, Okhunov Ravshan Zafarovich

4074 - 4082

Determination of the Molecular Mass of Silk Fibroin Using the Method of Spectrophotometry

Khushnudbek Odilbekovich Eshchanov, Muhabbat Matnazarovna Baltayeva, Abdushkur Abdukhalilovich Sarimsakov

4083 - 4090

Influence of the Use of Activated Water during Hydrothermal Treatment on the Quality of Bread

Ravshanov Suvankul Saparovich, Radjabova Veronika Erievna, Rakhmonov Kakhramon Sanokulovich, Pardayev Zafar Temirovich

4091 - 4102

Confectionery Products for Therapeutic and Preventive Purpose with Medicinal Herbs Uzbekistan

Rakhmonov Kakhramon Sanokulovich, Haydar-Zade Lolita Nimatovna, Kuliev Nasullo Sharifovich, Sulaymonova Gulchehra Hakimovna

4126 - 4140

In Vitro Evaluation of Anti-Inflammatory Activity of Woodfordi Fruticosa Leaves

Yogesh Tiwari, Bhupendra Kumar, Deepika Chauhan, Amandeep Singh

4156 - 4169

L - (-) - Spectroscopic Analysis of Menthol Compounds Formed with Certain Dicarboxylic Acids

L. A. Yettibaeva, Sh. K. Tashbaeva, D. M. Allanazarova, M. Hudoynazarov

4180 - 4188

Effect of Organizational Culture on Innovation Capability Employees in the Knowledge Sharing Perspective: Evidence from Digital Industries

Moch. Ali Imron, Munawaroh, Udi Iswadi, R. Dewi Mutia Farida, Vip Paramarta, Denok Sunarsi, Irfan Rizka Akbar, Aidil Amin Effendy, Ade Onny Siagian, Imas Masriah

4189 - 4203

The Effect of Exercise Methods and Leg Muscle Power on Roll Spike in Sepak Takraw

Agus Raharjo, Soegiyanto, Sulaiman, Tri Rustiadi

4204 - 4208

Purification and Characterization of Meprin a from Human Blood Serum

Sukayna H. Rashed, Firas T. Maher, Luay A. A. Al-Helaly

4209 - 4220

Core Features Underlying Networked Storage System

Niraja Jain, Dr. B. Raghu, Dr. V. Khanaa

4221 - 4227



4228 - 4236

Medical Care and Health Issues of Females in India: Legal Scenario

Dr. Bhupinder Singh, Dr. Avinash Kumar, Ms. Shradha Sanjeev

4237 - 4241

"Characteristics of Neonates Born to Mothers Related to COVID-19 at KRMT Wongsonegoro Hospital Semarang Indonesia"

Zuhriah Hidajati, Dede Fatmawati, Lilia Dewiyanti, Neni Sumarni, Adriana Lukmasari, Harancang Pandih Kahayana, Cipta Pramana

4250 - 4259

A Comprehensive Review on Sentiment Analysis Techniques and Machine Learning Libraries in Image Processing

D. N. V. S. L. S. Indira, Ch. Suresh Babu, K. Kranthi Kumar, Ch. Venkateswara Rao

4260 - 4267

PCR-Based Replicon Typing of Plasmids in E.Coli Producing Esbls in Patients with UTI in Iraq

Sawsan Qahtan Taha Al-Quhli, Safaa Abed Latef Al Maeni

4268 - 4278

Molecular Detection of Mepa Gene from Staphylococcus Aureus Isolated from Cases of Tonsilitis

Dr. Mustafa Salah Hasan, Wasan A. Majeed, Lubna Dhari Mohammed

4296 - 4300

Reduction in Spasticity Following Postural Management Using Proper Wheelchairs in Children with Spastic Cerebral Palsy in Saudi Arabia

Majdaldeen M. I. Ashqar, Dr. Naresh Bhaskar Raj, Sadia Misbach, Dr. Akram Amro, Dr. Wan Arfah Nadiah

4316- 4326

Effect of E-Learning and Educational Information Systems on the Learning Interest of Islamic Elementary School Children

Taufikin, Nadhifatuz Zulfa, Ahmad Falah, Ratna Wijayanti, Manijo, Muchammad Eka Mahmud, Ningsih Fadhilah, Zamroni, Ahmad Zaiyadi, Habsatun Nabawiyah

4343- 4352

Diabetic Retinopathy Detection: Solutions Through Application of Meta-Heuristic Approaches

P. Sreelatha, P. Bhuvaneswari, Ellappan Venugopal, Balachandra Pattanaik, T. Praveen Kumar

4353 - 4361

Species Composition and Ecological Features of Staphylinids (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) in Agrocenoses of Karakalpakstan

Dauilbaeva Kulshat Kenesbaevna, Bekbergenova Zаkhira Omirbekovna, Rozymova Amangul Polatovna, Sultanbaeva Patima Arepbaevna, Aytmuratova Biybinaz Suyewbaevna

4362 - 4376

Viability Extension of Sunflower Seeds by Chemical Manipulative Method

Uttam Kumar Kanp, Aloke Bhattacharjee, Mahmudul Haque

4389 - 4399

Biodiversity and Site Quality as Indicators of Mangrove Forest Health Pasir Sakti, Indonesia

Rahmat Safe’i, Rizky Novia Sari, Dian Iswandaru, Fransina S. Latumahina, Ira Taskirawati, Hari Kaskoyo

4400 - 4410

Role of Insect in Protected Forest Area in Ambon City

W. S. Pinoa, Fransina S. Latumahina

4411 - 4417

Egyptian Batata (Sweet Potato: Ipomoea batatas Lam.) Juice as a Functional Food to Relieve Acid Reflux and Dyspepsia

Hesham A. Eissa, Shreef G. N. Gabrial, Nadir. A. S., Mostafa T. Ramadan, Sherif S. Mohamed, Wafaa A. Ibrahim

4418 - 4429

Radiation Effect on MHD Casson Fluid Flow Linearly Porous Stretching Sheet in the Presence Chemical Reaction

Dr. M. Naga Swapna, Dr. P. Anusha, Dr. V. Chittaranjandas, Dr. K. Srividya

4430 - 4439

Small Area Estimation in Health Sector by Support Vector Machine (SVM)

Basavarajaiah D. M., Gopal Krishna Mithra C. A., Narasimhamurthy B., Veeregowda B. M., Mahadevappa D. Gouri

4459 - 4474

Development of Electronic Speech Supporting Device for Dumbed Pharmacy Sales Person Using Intelligent Controller

B. Thiyaneswaran, K. Anguraj, J. Jayanthi, M. Nandhini, C. Padmapriya, G. Kousalya

4498 - 4509

Location Based Smart Attendance System Using GPS

Yoganathan N. S., Raviteja S., Sathyanarayanan R., Anup Kumar, Nithish Kumar R.

4510 - 4516



4581 - 4588

A Study on Role of Antimicrobials in General Surgery

Dr. M.Senthil Velan, Dr. Asayas Bosco Chandra Kumar Dr.Abirami, Dr.Agila

4602 - 4606

Predicting Individual level Public heath Interventions by Infectious diseases modelling to control COVID-19: A Review

Kalaiselvan Ganapathy, Rajalakshmi Mahendran, Pravin Surendran, Vivekananda Keerthiseelan

4607 - 4617

Awareness of Association between Fluid Intake and Renal Calculi among Medical Students.

Prof. Dr. M. Senthil velan, Dr. Asayas Bosco Chandra Kumar, Dr. Pratyush Kiran, Dr. Kishore Dr. Devanathan, Dr. Padma Sundari

4618 - 4624

Analysis of the Quality of Services Provided by the Public Sector to Enhance the Sugarcane Productivity in Punjab, Pakistan

Hafiz Ali Raza, Ahmad Abdul Wahab, Faryal Ahmed, Muhammad Aslam, Gohar Basheer, Muhammad Aslam, Sajid Ali Shah, Muhammad Dilawaiz Khan, Hamad Yousaf, Syeda Alina Batool

4637 - 4648