Histopathological Study Post Helicobacter Pylori Infection in Mice

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Aseel I. Ibrahim, Zainab I. Ibrahim, Zainab Jamal M. Jawad


Helicobacter pyloriisthe causesulcers in gastrointestinal tract such asgastric and pepticulcer besides the malignancy of gastric carcinoma, lymphoma andnon-gastricdiseases.

The histopathologicalchanges that occurred indifferent organs of mice postH. pylori infectionwere investigated. The bacterial isolate was taken from a patient with duodenal ulcer.  The result tissue section revealed polymorphonuclear cells(PMNs) and lymphocytes infiltrated the layers of kidney, liver, and heart with degeneration.

  1. pylori has a significant sever role in the incidence the inflammatory reaction in stomach.

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How to Cite
Aseel I. Ibrahim, Zainab I. Ibrahim, Zainab Jamal M. Jawad. (2021). Histopathological Study Post Helicobacter Pylori Infection in Mice. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 25(2), 370–377. Retrieved from http://annalsofrscb.ro/index.php/journal/article/view/958