Specific Importance of Application of Knowledge in the Field of Psychological Assistance and Counseling in Practice

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Ugiljon Odamova


This article highlights the application of knowledge in the field of psychological assistance and counseling in society and what a psychologist should pay more attention to when applying this knowledge, mainly in the process of working with a child. There is no doubt that the principles of socio-economic development also depend on the successful implementation of the process of psychological service, which helps to make the right decisions. Many scientists consider it necessary to solve the problems of the all-round development of the personality and its activity on the basis of practical recommendations of psychology. This article points out that the assimilation of psychological knowledge not only contributes to the development of psychology, but also makes it possible to quickly find solutions to psychological problems.

In addition, research aimed at defining the methodology, principles and objectives of psychological services suggests that the interaction between the psychologist and the client can further enrich psychological knowledge as a result of identifying the inner world, character and temperament of the client.

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How to Cite
Ugiljon Odamova. (2021). Specific Importance of Application of Knowledge in the Field of Psychological Assistance and Counseling in Practice. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 25(2), 64–69. Retrieved from http://annalsofrscb.ro/index.php/journal/article/view/907