Species Composition and Ecological Features of Staphylinids (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) in Agrocenoses of Karakalpakstan

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Dauilbaeva Kulshat Kenesbaevna, Bekbergenova Zаkhira Omirbekovna, Rozymova Amangul Polatovna, Sultanbaeva Patima Arepbaevna, Aytmuratova Biybinaz Suyewbaevna


The data on the species composition and ecological characteristics of staphylinids in agrocenoses in the conditions of Karakalpakstan is given. The following biotopes: cotton, rice field, alfalfa field, wheat field, corn plantation, vegetable and melon crops, orchard, etc were selected for the study. The greatest number of staphylinids prevails in humid biotopes, along the banks of irrigation canals, along the edges of rice fields; a significantly diverse fauna in alfalfa fields, as well as vegetable crops, and the smallest number of these beetles was found on corn plantations and orchards.

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Dauilbaeva Kulshat Kenesbaevna, Bekbergenova Zаkhira Omirbekovna, Rozymova Amangul Polatovna, Sultanbaeva Patima Arepbaevna, Aytmuratova Biybinaz Suyewbaevna. (2021). Species Composition and Ecological Features of Staphylinids (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) in Agrocenoses of Karakalpakstan. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 25(2), 4362–4376. Retrieved from http://annalsofrscb.ro/index.php/journal/article/view/1458