Imaging Modalities for Rotator Cuff and Labro- Ligamentous Complex of Shoulder Joint Evalution

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Sahil Arora


To compare the positive and negative predictive value of USG and MRI in diagnosis of rotator cuff injuries. To determine the diagnostic accuracy of ultra-sonography (US) compared with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). To compare the sensitivity and specificity of USG and MRI findings in diagnosis of rotator cuff injuries. To compare the observed ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging findings with the available arthroscopic or operative findings. Demographic assessment of type of rotator cuff injuries..

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How to Cite
Sahil Arora. (2021). Imaging Modalities for Rotator Cuff and Labro- Ligamentous Complex of Shoulder Joint Evalution. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 25(2), 2028–2037. Retrieved from