Scrub Typhus: A Clinical Case Report

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Ms. Savita Pohekar, Dr. Seema Singh


Despite an ongoing revival as the clinical appearance is typically untypical, Scrub typhus is still under diagnosis and results in a low clinical suspicion index.

In this case study we describe about a  20-years-old young girl having 5-days history of fever (39°C-40°C) of unfamiliar source having headache and loss of appetitewith maculopapular rash.

She underwent inpatient management, which included 100 mg of tablet Minoz(doxycycline), Tablet Pantoprazole 40 mg od, Tablet ondansetron 4 mg tds, hydrocortisone 100 mg tds, and tablet. Paracetamol 500mgtds. Her symptoms cured after 2 weeks of treatment and the eruptions stopped. Uncomplicatedly, she was discharged and under nursing management her vital sign was monitored, maintain the O2 levels as well as the consumption and output and all basic nursing care has been provided. Her Fever was reduced and signs of improvement in eruptions were disappeared at the end of treatments.

Conclusion: Management was mainly aimed at protecting patient wellbeing, preventing complications and improving the quality of life. The patient received all medical therapy and the results show that the therapy and care was effective. The nurses who play animportant role in the bedside and take care of patients suffering from Scrub typhus.

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How to Cite
Ms. Savita Pohekar, Dr. Seema Singh. (2021). Scrub Typhus: A Clinical Case Report. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 25(2), 3392–3398. Retrieved from