Spring Protection: Step Towards Water Security and Sustainable Rural Water Supply

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Prem Ranjan, Pankaj Kumar Pandey


Safe and reliable supply of drinking water is a fundamental human right. Lack of access to safe water mostly in developing countries is causing serious illness and death of millions of people every year. It also impedes economic development, prevents progress towards gender equality and puts human health in danger. In the Himalayan region, springs are an important freshwater source for the survival of humans. In recent years, it is reported that springshed is drying and polluted due to climate change and human activity. Such as increasing urbanization, construction (such as roads, hotels, tourist spots, houses and other infrastructures), deforestation, agricultural practices, and dumping of domestic, agricultural and industrial wastes. Hence, proper springshed development and protection plan will benefit us to protect spring from drying and contamination. Community participation is an important element of each watershed development projects such as water management, which requires continuous maintenance and protection to achieving long-term sustainability. Generally, after completion of any development project, many developed structures/constructions have left abandoned or damaged due to lack of care. Thus, for long term sustainability or running of the project, proper maintenance and care are required. It will be possible only by community involvement in the project.    

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How to Cite
Prem Ranjan, Pankaj Kumar Pandey. (2021). Spring Protection: Step Towards Water Security and Sustainable Rural Water Supply. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 25(2), 1216–1222. Retrieved from http://annalsofrscb.ro/index.php/journal/article/view/1071