Features of the Generative Compartment of Male Sex Glands in the Offspring of Female Rats with Experimental Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus

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Gennady V. Bryukhin, Sergei D. Antonov


Introduction: The relevance of this study is primarily conditioned by global upsurge in diabetes mellitus, including women of fertile age. The results of numerous clinical observations and experimental studies indicate that mothers with diabetes mellitus give birth to physiologically immature offspring with marked signs of diabetic fetopathy. At the same time, the role of mothers’ diabetes mellitus in the male reproductive system disorders of their offspring is poorly explored.

Objective: to study the features of spermatogenic cycle formation in the offspring of female rats with experimental type 1 diabetes mellitus.

Materials and Methods: In adult female mature rats (the Wistar breed), type 1 diabetes mellitus was simulated using streptozotocin. The object of the study was the offspring of the animals with experimental diabetes, observed at various periods of the postnatal period. In the laboratory animals, there were several tests: cytological analysis of testicular germ cells in serial histological sections with determination of total number of spermatogenic cells and their subpopulation composition per one convoluted seminiferous tubule, determination of the number of epididymal spermatozoa and their atypical forms, as well as assessment of sexual behavior and fertility.

Results: The cytological analysis made it possible to establish that the experimental animals have a disturbed formation of the testes generative function. That was manifested in a decrease in the total content of spermatogenic cells and a change in their subpopulation composition, as well as in a decrease in the spermatogenesis index, Sertoli cell index, germinative index and an increase in the maturation index, which are sensitive indicators of the spermatogenesis state. The revealed morphological changes ultimately determine a decrease in the total content of epididymal spermatozoa, sexual behavior disorders and a decrease in fertility.

Conclusion: The obtained results show that the offspring of female rats with experimental diabetes mellitus have a disturbed formation of the generative compartment of the male reproductive system, which ultimately results in a decrease in the total content of epididymal spermatozoa and impaired reproductive function.

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How to Cite
Gennady V. Bryukhin, Sergei D. Antonov. (2021). Features of the Generative Compartment of Male Sex Glands in the Offspring of Female Rats with Experimental Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 25(2), 1821–1830. Retrieved from http://annalsofrscb.ro/index.php/journal/article/view/1127