Quantification of Some Active Ingredients in Antimicrobial of Menthaarvensis in Iraq

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WafaaTaliRadef,Ali AbdSharad ,AshwaqTalibHameed,Enas Mohammed Ali


The research contained a number of active ingredients such as, saponins, alkaloids, tannins, flavonoids, and phenols, which are all naturally occurring herbs in major Regions of Iraq and have been used in medicinal prescriptions since ancient times., These substances are excellent antioxidants, also lt's contained phenols appeared in the form of several curves and wave lengths (200-600) nm UV apparatus .This is evidence of the presence of several types of phenols in Menthaarvensis, which gives it a distinct therapeutic, Two extracts from the aerial part of the plant, chloroform and ethanol, were prepared by Soxhlet extractor. Three concentrations (30,60,90) mg / ml were tested to inhibit the growth of some bacterial species brought from Ramadi- General Hospital. Chloroform extract at( 90 mg) concentration showed the best inhibition of E. coli, followed by (90 mg) ethanol extract towardsPseudomonas,Klebsiella,Corynobacterium andaeruginosaspecies.

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How to Cite
WafaaTaliRadef,Ali AbdSharad ,AshwaqTalibHameed,Enas Mohammed Ali. (2021). Quantification of Some Active Ingredients in Antimicrobial of Menthaarvensis in Iraq. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 25(6), 9144–9150. Retrieved from https://annalsofrscb.ro/index.php/journal/article/view/7161