Identifying the Association of Advanced Glycation End – Product with Asthma in the Iraqi Kurdish Population

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Najat Jabbar Ahmed Barwary, SanaryaKameran Mahmood


Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease of the lungs that could strike people of any age. Wheezing, coughing, chest tightness, and shortness of breath are all common side effects. Smooth muscle contractions across the airways cause chronic inflammation and occlusion, narrowing the airway and plugging it with thick mucus.Advanced glycation end products (AGEs) are formed when aldoses interact with proteins, causing molecular rearrangements of the covalently related sugars, resulting in a large community of yellow-brown fluorescent compounds.Seventy asthmatic patients who were already diagnosed previously by physicians and were considered to be suffering fromasthma and 20 healthy controlling were included. In patients and controllinggroup, laboratory examination was conductedfor IgE and C-reactive protein (CRP) by using Cobas Integra analyser. While serum AGEs and IL-4 level were measured using ELISA kit. Serum CRP levels (Mean±SE= 15.21±0.92) in patients with asthma were greater when comparison toset ofcontrolling(Mean±SE= 2.3570 ± 0.38936 mg/dl), with highly significant difference (P-valueless than 0.01). The serum level of IL-4 in asthmatic patients and (Mean±SE=8.8171 ± 0.26306 pg/ml)wasgreater than the controllingset (Mean±SE=0.0586 ± 0.00231 pg/ml) withhighly significant differences between them (P-value less than0.05). The (mean ± SE) of IgE in the sera of asthma was (508.6343± 70.02653 ng/ml) while the (mean ± SE) of controllingsets was (170.2688 ± 58.49945 ng/ml) with highly significant differences (P-valueless than 0.01). The (mean ± SE) of AGEs in the sera of patients with asthma was (5610.5714 ± 139.28093 ng/dl) while (the mean ± SE) AGEs in the sera of controllingsets was (463.3000 ± 52.95609 ng/dl) with highly significant difference (P-valueless than 0.01). There is ahighly significant correlation found between AGEs and IL-4, CRP among Asthmatic patients (P-valueless than 0.01),wherethere was no correlation found between AGE and IgE (P-value greater than 0.05). The existing investigation revealed a great serum level of AGEs in asthmatic patients compared to the healthy controlling set and a significant correlation found between CRP, IL-4, IgE with Asthma and that the AGEs could be a causative agent for asthma.

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How to Cite
SanaryaKameran Mahmood, N. J. A. B. . (2021). Identifying the Association of Advanced Glycation End – Product with Asthma in the Iraqi Kurdish Population. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 25(6), 8762–8773. Retrieved from