Handy Doctor: End-to-end Application using AWS

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st Shubhamsaurav ,Kush Agarwal , Ahad Imam , Prof. Henna


In this Era, where the whole world is affected by a pandemic situation like corona , and viruses where the country is not ready for the situations that affect them badly ,this creates a problem in a whole world people can‟t go outside can‟t get food even its make the market unstable and create a economic crisis , the virus like corona can cause death as we have seen in this pandemic and it mostly affects the people who are childs and old , while in this pandemic our doctors focused on the medicine for corona and they can‟t focussed in the patients who needs daily treatment and regular consultancy of a doctor in a time , those patients feels a big issues because they can‟t get a treatment. Other things like lockdown also create a situation like where the people can't come out from home. so, to provide a solution for these we create a handy doctor where there is a situation of all the problems of this pandemic To provide the right advice and medicine from reports as well as an intelligent chatbot name doctor is used to provide a recommendation and in an emergency a call with a doctor but you have to fix your slot . You have to just scan your documents and you get a desired result as well as a real time doctor solution and you can use speech as well as text with our chatbots and many other features. Handy doctor means that treatment is in your hand even if you can‟t go outside. This means now you can even have treatment and consultancy in your hand.

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How to Cite
Prof. Henna, st S. ,Kush A. , A. I. , . (2021). Handy Doctor: End-to-end Application using AWS. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 25(6), 7698–7707. Retrieved from https://annalsofrscb.ro/index.php/journal/article/view/6961