Solid and Liquid Waste Treatment (Slwt), Present in the South Sector of Rio Chillon, Altura Cuadra 60 Av Trapiche. Carabayllo-Lima District

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Tomás Ezequiel Gallarday Bocanegra, Ciro Sergio Bedìa Guillen


The horizontal and vertical growth of the megalopolis Lima, given in three cardinal sectors: East, North and South, has generated millions of cubic meters of solid waste and a smaller proportion of liquid waste (LLW), hence the requirement for landfills such as: Coastal area between La Punta and Morro Solar, Pampa de los Perros (batatero La Cucaracha), Puente de Piedra, southern sector of the Chillón River at block 60 of Trapiche Avenue and northern sector of the Lomo de Corvina hill (Villa el Salvador). At the dump located in the southern sector of the Chillon River, some of the solid waste is eroded by meteoric waters, the difference being the river that transports it to the sea, a process that occurs during the rainy summer months when the river waters increase their flow due to high rainfall in the central highlands and crown of the basin (La Viuda mountain range). Once in the sea, solid waste from granitic, volcanic, luteous and calcareous igneous rocks are transported by currents that flow NW-SE. This geodynamic process favors the growth of beaches in the areas of Ventanilla, Ancon and Chancay. Complying with the principle of uniformity, the land that is reclaimed from the sea in these areas will be recovered by the sea in other places. The paper provides a management proposal for the better management of solid waste (RiLS) [5, 6, 7] as well as a bibliographic analysis to identify the theoretical basis for the creation of solid waste management strategies in different case studies.

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How to Cite
Tomás Ezequiel Gallarday Bocanegra, Ciro Sergio Bedìa Guillen. (2021). Solid and Liquid Waste Treatment (Slwt), Present in the South Sector of Rio Chillon, Altura Cuadra 60 Av Trapiche. Carabayllo-Lima District. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 2450–2459. Retrieved from