The Effect of Exposure to X-Rays on Some Blood Factors in Human Compared with Control

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Meena Sabah Farman, Wissam Khayer Al-Rawi, Maryam I. Salman


The effect of the radiation on living cells, tissues, organs, and the whole human body, which results in illness, is commonly correlated with X-Ray. The study's aim is to look at the differences in some blood factors in people who have been exposed to x-rays versus a control group, as well as the impact of exposure time on these blood factors.  Samples were collected from patients exposed to radiation, and from people working in the field of radiography. Platelet, HB, ESR, RBC, Monocyte, Eosinophile, Basophile, Neutophile, Lymphocyte, and WBS were investigated as blood factors. The people exposed to radiation were divided into 3 groups according to period of exposure. 10 mL of blood were collected by venipuncture and then transferred to a bottle containing EDTA. RBC, WBC, ESR, and other variables were calculated using the hospital's protocol. The findings indicate that X-rays impact human blood cells; certain blood factors, such as RBC, were found to have no substantial difference between the patient group and the control group ,Although there is a substantial difference in WBS, platelets, and hemoglobin, the longer the time of radiation exposure, the greater the effect on blood factors. There was no substantial difference between the patient and control groups in RBC, but there was a difference in WBS, platelets HB, and there is a direct connection between WBC and ESR, Lymphocytes, and Monocytes, according to this report.

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How to Cite
Meena Sabah Farman, Wissam Khayer Al-Rawi, Maryam I. Salman. (2021). The Effect of Exposure to X-Rays on Some Blood Factors in Human Compared with Control. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 11063–11071. Retrieved from