Drug Utilization Evaluation of Antimicrobials used in Surgery Department in a Tertiary Care Hospital

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Philip Jacob, Arul Balasubramanian, Kothai Ramalingam


Drug Use Evaluation (DUE) or Drug Utilization Evaluation is the management of continuous, precise, criteria-based assessments of the use of drugs, which will warrant that the drugs are being used relevantly, which is at the discretion of the patient. The aim of the study is to determine the drug utilization evaluation of Antimicrobials used in the surgery department at a tertiary care hospital; to assess the culture sensitivity with various antimicrobials and identify the most effective antimicrobial against the organism isolated. A prospective observational study was used for the assessment. A sample size of 181 patients who had undergone the respective surgeries and antimicrobial treatment were selected for this study.

On analyzing the study sample receiving antimicrobials, it was found that 84.53% of the population in pre-operative and 35.35% in post-operative conditions received only antibiotics. 15.46% and 64.65 % received a combination of antibiotic and anti-protozoal as pre-operative and post-operative medications respectively.

Analyzing the use of antibiotics on the sample reveals that the majority of patients received Cephalosporins both in pre and post-operative conditions as 70.78% and 82.32% respectively. In the study of isolation of organisms, it was found that 67.46% were Gram – ve and 27.71% Gram + ve organisms. But it was also found that 4.81% were Gram +ve and Gram –ve organisms.

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How to Cite
Philip Jacob, Arul Balasubramanian, Kothai Ramalingam. (2021). Drug Utilization Evaluation of Antimicrobials used in Surgery Department in a Tertiary Care Hospital. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 10752–10764. Retrieved from https://annalsofrscb.ro/index.php/journal/article/view/3847