Drowsy Driver Detection Using Viola Jones Algorithm

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Dr. Rajendran A., Monika A., Samyuktha V., Supriya Jones R.


We have only one life. Therefore, safety is very important. Now-a-days, road accidents are the major problem. Most of the vehicle accidents are due to falling asleep during driving. Therefore, the main idea of the paper is to find the drowsy state of a driver. The detection of drowsiness is due to the help of computer vision based concepts[3]. In this, the system uses a camera that is fixed towards the face of the driver to observe the eyes of the driver in order to detect drowsiness. A warning signal is provided to wake them, if drowsiness is detected. At first stage, the system detects the face by using Viola Jones Algorithm[1] and at the second stage, it detects eyes, and then determines whether the eyes are in open or closed state[6]. The system uses information obtained from the image and determines drowsiness. If the eyes are closed for long period, it concludes that the driver is sleepy and a warning signal is issued to wake him/her up[9][4].

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How to Cite
Dr. Rajendran A., Monika A., Samyuktha V., Supriya Jones R. (2021). Drowsy Driver Detection Using Viola Jones Algorithm. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 9953–9961. Retrieved from https://annalsofrscb.ro/index.php/journal/article/view/3745