The divergent thinking skills of secondary school students

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Huda Qasim Mazal, Suhad Abdul Ameer Abbood


The current research aims to know the extent to which secondary school students possess divergent thinking skills in chemistry, and to achieve the goal of the research, the descriptive approach was used. Divergent thinking consisting of (24) objective items, the validity and reliability of the tool were verified. The research was applied to the basic sample in the first semester of the year (2020-2021), and the results showed using the t-test for one sample and two independent samples and the Pearson correlation coefficient the following:

1- There is a significant decrease in the divergent thinking skills of fifth grade students in biological sciences in chemistry, except for the skill of improvements.

2- The existence of a difference in favor of the students in the divergent thinking skills.

  In light of the findings of the research, a set of conclusions, recommendations and suggestions were presented, including:

1- Preparing training programs to develop teachers' divergent thinking abilities through the use of some strategies and asking questions that develop this type of skills, which helps achieve positive results.

2- Benefiting from research tests in future studies to reveal the level of divergent thinking among learners.

3- Interest in developing divergent thinking skills through science and chemistry curricula at all stages by including some activities and tasks that develop those skills.

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How to Cite
Suhad Abdul Ameer Abbood, H. Q. M. (2021). The divergent thinking skills of secondary school students. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 25(7), 255–272. Retrieved from