Effect of Vitamin D on Multiple Sclerosis: A review

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SuadAzeez Hassan, SaadAbdulkareem Mohamed, AyaNabeel Hameed


Multiple sclerosis (MS) defines a typical nervous disorder, and therefore the causes unknown. In recent years, many studies have been shown that vitamin D deficiency could associatewith MS. Many important factors could aggravate MS and could conceder as MS risk factors, such as genetic factors and environmental factors together. Vitamin D is assumed to have an immunomodulatoryeffect within the central systemanervosum besides maintaining bone health and Ca metabolism. Many previous studies declared that there is a correlation between serum level of vitamin D and MS. They found that reduced levels of vitamin D (15 -63)nmol/L had a significantly higher incidence of multiple sclerosis more than  those with higher levels of vitamin D (99 – 152) nmol / L. Some studies showed that humans with higher dietary vitamin D intake have lower incidence of MS. Here, we have a tendency to tend to review these studies that investigate the effect of vitamin D levels on MS progression. However, despite the shortage of proof for the results of vitamin D effect on MS progression. Previous research shows that there is a correlation between vitamin D deficiency and increased risk of MS

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How to Cite
AyaNabeel Hameed, S. H. S. M. (2021). Effect of Vitamin D on Multiple Sclerosis: A review. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 25(7), 147–153. Retrieved from http://annalsofrscb.ro/index.php/journal/article/view/9496