Internal Root Resorption - A Review

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Nikhil N. Borse, Anita Sanap, Shailendra Sonawane,Yogita Deshpande


Root resorption is defined as a condition associated with either a physiologic or a pathologic process, that result in the progressive or transitory loss of cementum or cementum/dentin or alveolar bone due to odontoclastic activity. Most of the documentation that exists in the writings is found within the case reports, and there are a limited number of considerations that have attempted to look at the histological manifestations and the biological outlook of infection. This may be due in part to this moderately rare event of resorption, and requires in vivo proof to separate from past efforts using diathermy to typically replicate the research conditions. From a histological point of view, the internal root absorption is shown in a frame that is only destructive, the internal (root canal) is inflammatory absorption, and the other is through repair, the internal (root canal) ) Replacement absorption is emphasized by the metaplastic bone/cement term. The tissue is close to the absorption site. From the perspective of differential diagnosis, the emergence of cone-beam computed tomography has greatly improved the ability of clinicians to diagnose internal root resorption. In any case, so far, root canal therapy is still the first choice for this pathological condition.


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Nikhil N. Borse, Anita Sanap, Shailendra Sonawane,Yogita Deshpande. (2020). Internal Root Resorption - A Review. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 864–8678. Retrieved from