Android Based Instant Messaging Application Using Firebase

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Vinay Kumar, Kartik Gaur, Raj Singh, Dr. Preeti Bajaj


Now a days the communication way is changing day by day. We can see that e-communication is adopted by everyone by the change of time, so keeping this in mind the author is going to develop a instant messaging app which includes all the aspect that are required for a good messaging app. This app is an android messenger application. It allows its users to send text messages, share images using camera or gallery and share their location with their friends. Users register with their phone number and Email id and their friends are made using their contact list.

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How to Cite
Vinay Kumar, Kartik Gaur, Raj Singh, Dr. Preeti Bajaj. (2021). Android Based Instant Messaging Application Using Firebase. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 25(7), 71–77. Retrieved from