Adaptive-Compensatory Changes in the Oral Fluid at Various Degrees of Adentia

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Soadat Usanova, Abdugafur Khadjimetov, Aziza Nishanova, Sanobar Kurbanova, Suraya Gulyamova


The purpose of this study was to identify some aspects of the mechanism of adaptive-compensatory changes in mixed saliva at various degrees of adentia in humans. Thirty patients (mean age 40.6 ± 3.5 years) with varying degrees of partial adentia were examined. The patients were divided into 3 groups. The first group (n = 12) consisted of practically healthy people in whom the integrity of the dentition was preserved. The second group consisted of patients with partial adentia, who had no more than 3 teeth missing (n = 16). The third group included patients with partial adentia, who had 4-6 teeth missing (n = 14). It was revealed that the intensification of LPO processes, which induces a change and imbalance in the AOD system of saliva in patients with adentia, is confirmed by the results obtained in the study of the activities of GR, HT and the content of reduced and oxidized glutathione. Adentia also leads to a decrease in the nonspecific resistance of the oral fluid, which can lead to a deterioration in reparative processes, complicate adaptation in various types of prosthetics.

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How to Cite
Soadat Usanova, Abdugafur Khadjimetov, Aziza Nishanova, Sanobar Kurbanova, Suraya Gulyamova. (2021). Adaptive-Compensatory Changes in the Oral Fluid at Various Degrees of Adentia. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 7030–7034. Retrieved from