Evaluation of Pregnancy-Related Health Behaviors for Pregnant Women’s Attending Abo Ghareeb Primary Health Care Sector, Iraq

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Huda A. Khleel, Widad K. Mohammed


Aimed this study toevaluate pregnancy-related health behaviors for pregnant women. The study initiated from (26th of September 2020 up to 20thApril 2021),The research design was employed in this study a descriptive design. The study sample was the non- probability convenience sample by 150 pregnant women attending, Abo Ghareeb primary health care sector inAbo Ghareeb spend, Iraq. The results of data analysis was employed by Statistical Package for Social Science (SSPS version 20) that foundlevels healthy behaviors of the study sample 71.3% a fair level of healthy behaviors. However, the study sample exhibit a good behaviors at the items taking eight hours of sleep per night, do not use other illegal drugs, do not use un recommended herbs, douche, avoid excessively hot baths, take recommended vitamins, consuming adequate amounts of calcium, consuming at least five fruits/vegetables a day, consume adequate amounts of fiber, avoid smoking cigarettes and a value has prenatal care been in during pregnancy .The results shows that have fair healthy behaviors in items healthy lifestyle, exercise three times per week, drinking more than 2 caffeinated beverages per day, report concerns to prenatal care provider, ask questions to prenatal care provider , read food labels ,discussion medication and supplement use with prenatal care provider, avoid exposure to dangerous substances ,gestational age when prenatal care began, missing prenatal care appointments , discussion pregnancy and birth with others , engage in relaxing activities, consuming adequate amounts of water and avoid risks of toxoplasmosis .The items indicated touse a seatbelt, receiving regular dental care and seeking to gain an appropriate amount of weight scored of the items (poor) .

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How to Cite
Widad K. Mohammed, H. A. K. . (2021). Evaluation of Pregnancy-Related Health Behaviors for Pregnant Women’s Attending Abo Ghareeb Primary Health Care Sector, Iraq. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 25(6), 7970–7977. Retrieved from http://annalsofrscb.ro/index.php/journal/article/view/6987