Investigation of heat shock protein HSP70 and measurement of some Immunomodulatory parameters in people infected with toxocariasis in Dhuluiya district / Salah al-Din Governorate / Iraq

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Alhan Jassim Hamash, Ashraf Jamal Mahmoud Zanqana


181 blood samples were collected from Dhuluiya General Hospital auditors in Dhuluiya District / Salah al-Din Governorate / Iraq, from both gender, and their ages between 5-58 years, to investigate the incidence of toxocariasis using IgG TES-ELISA technique for period from November to July. 2020, and the results showed that the percentage of serum positive samples for ELISA test reached 20.99%. The results showed a relationship between the incidence of toxoplasmosis and age, gender, possession of dogs and cats. In female highest percentage was within age group 16-26 years and it reached 31.57%, while for males, highest percentage was within age group 48-58 years, reaching 36.36%. The highest infection rate was recorded for those who owned dogs and cats, reached 26.47%, while group that did not own dogs and cats had an infection rate of 18.58%. level of heat shock protein HSP70 was measured, and its concentration in serum of injured reached 339± 210 compared to control group, 264.2± 45.3. As for the examination of interleukins, an increase in levels of interleukin-4 and interleukin-5 was recorded in serum samples for ELISA test compared with control group. For IL-4 test, percentage of infected levels was 0.864 ± 0.913 compared with levels of control group 0.2167 ± 0.0727. As for IL_5 test, percentage of infected levels was 1.118 ± 0.990 compared with control group 0.2420 ± 0.0620.

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How to Cite
Ashraf Jamal Mahmoud Zanqana, A. J. H. . (2021). Investigation of heat shock protein HSP70 and measurement of some Immunomodulatory parameters in people infected with toxocariasis in Dhuluiya district / Salah al-Din Governorate / Iraq. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 25(6), 1716–1722. Retrieved from