The role of recreational sports activity in reducing psychological pressures among the employees of Almaarif University College

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Sarmad Nadhim Khaleel, Abdalrahim Noori Harbi, Ahmed Jamal Awad


This study aimed at identifying the role of recreational sports activities among the employees of the University College of Knowledge, and to achieve this, the study was conducted on the research community from the employees of the University College of Knowledge for the academic year (2020 AD - 2021 AD) in Anbar Governorate, whose number is (238) employees, divided into ten departments Scientific in addition to the staff of the Deanship of the College, while the sample consisted of (168) permanent employees who were chosen by the deliberate method and at a rate of (70%) from each department, the researchers used the descriptive approach to suit the nature and problem of the research by applying a scale distributed on three axes (the phenomenon of anxiety, the characteristic of frustration, the phenomenon of psychological tension), and the triple response scale was adopted, sometimes (3), often (2), never (1). For paragraphs, and the upper overall score for this scale is (57) degrees, as for the minimum overall score (19) degrees, and after collecting the scale data and analyzing them in the statistical bag (spss), the results showed that the practice of recreational sports activities contributes significantly to reducing the psychological pressures that the college employees are exposed to and absorb work pressures, self-control and adaptation from the difficult work environment.

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How to Cite
Ahmed Jamal Awad, S. N. K. A. N. H. . (2021). The role of recreational sports activity in reducing psychological pressures among the employees of Almaarif University College. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 25(6), 711–721. Retrieved from