The Impact of Effective Recruitment & Selection Process on Organizational Development: An Empirical Study

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Preksha Yadav, Brijesh Singh, BhagyaLakshmi.K, Poonam Mishra, Ramya. N


This research is fundamentally to get it the viability of the recruitment and selection process and organizational level support for the proper knowledge management process. Effectiveness of recruitment and selection process is progressively well known as a most effective way to improve organizational development. Through this empirical research researcher wants to investigate the efficiency of recruitment and selection process in IT organizations.
In this research independent variables are effectiveness of recruitment, recruitment and selection process, organizational support, and recruiter opinion. Researcher tried to find out the relationship between independent variables organizational development. Here researcher have collected 145 valid responses through questionnaire and applied some statistical tool like, percentage analysis, regression and correlations.

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How to Cite
Ramya. N, P. Y. B. S. B. P. M. . (2021). The Impact of Effective Recruitment & Selection Process on Organizational Development: An Empirical Study. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 25(6), 693–703. Retrieved from