Polyneuropathy in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease

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Saniya Khan et al.


Background:A critical reason for worldwide mortality and bleakness is constant kidney sickness. Neuropathy is the most predominant of every single neurological intricacy and has been generally connected to the level of renal dysfunction. The pace of advancement, force, engine, tactile and dysasthesia commonness are truly factor. Given its enormous commitment to dreariness in patients with CKD, No huge commitment has been made in recognition or the executives of uremic neuropathy in Indian writing. We thus have arranged this investigation to survey the range of fringe neuropathy in patients of CKD, and correspond it with the seriousness of renal dysfunction.

Objectives :To study clinical picture of polyneuropathy in patients of chronic kidney disease, and to study the correlation between polyneuropathy and different stages of chronic kidney disease and it’s outcome.   

Methods:The examination will be directed after moral leeway from Institutional morals panel,DMIMS, inAVBRH, JLN, DMIMS, Wardha, Maharashtra, India. Subjects will be included in the study after detailed history and clinical examination of all patients being admitted. Assessment of pre-existing comorbidities in patients if any will be enquired by H/O hypertension, diabetes mellitus, cancer and other chronic ailments will be recorded in the pro-forma. Laboratory investigations like Complete blood counts, kidney function tests, blood glucose levels will be done. Nerve conduction velocity testing will be performed in every patient.

Expected Results: This examination will clarify the clinical picture and connection of polyneuropathy concerning the seriousness and term of the CKD and the results are relied upon to be like past investigations where it shows that the predominance of fringe neuropathy was straightforwardly corresponding to length and seriousness of CKD.

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How to Cite
et al., S. K. (2021). Polyneuropathy in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 4142–4148. Retrieved from http://annalsofrscb.ro/index.php/journal/article/view/532