An Audit of Fog Computing: Security, Challenges and its Solutions

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All most all the items in this world is related with the data without the data it is very tedious to perform any task. fog computing concentrates on decentralizing the data centric clouds and making it localized, fog computing uses the information which is mostly used and so that the size is minimum when compared to cloud computing, when any other data is needed, the information can be taken from cloud, fog acts like a connection hubfor user with cloud server. Edge computing and fog computing are similar but edge saves the monetary and time by streamlining the communication, reduces the failures in IOT application. This paper discusses the various taxonomiesrelated to fog computing and how they are processed, security threats, challenges  and possible solutions and technologies used to solve in fog computing.

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How to Cite
A.SenthilAnandhi. (2021). An Audit of Fog Computing: Security, Challenges and its Solutions. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 3502–3507. Retrieved from