The Online 4Ps’ Factors That Influence Gen X’s Household Financial Consumptions

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Xia Jintao, Zhang Dengkai, Guo Tingxiu, Siti Aida Samikon


This paper studies factors that Influence Gen X’s household financial consumptions in Malaysia. This paper is concentrating on the factors that Gen X’s household financial consumptions on they spend the money for their family consumption. There are five parts to the report. The first part is the introduction of research, including the issues, the purpose of the research. Besides, it includes the questions related to the report as well as the impact of the issue is not solved. The second part is about the Online 4Ps’ factors that Influence Gen X’s household financial consumptions.  The third part is about hypotheses, research equation, questions in the questionnaire, population, sampling, the way to pass the questionnaire and some definition of data screening, data testing, the goodness of measure, and so on. The fourth part is the data analysis and the last part is about the conclusion of the whole report.

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How to Cite
Xia Jintao, Zhang Dengkai, Guo Tingxiu, Siti Aida Samikon. (2021). The Online 4Ps’ Factors That Influence Gen X’s Household Financial Consumptions. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 15141–15155. Retrieved from