Service Providence of Online Price Tracker for the Product

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Dr. S. Muthusundari, Dr. S. Selvakanmani, Dr. S. Pratheepa, P. Kishore Kumar


The development of the E-commerce websites mostly based on the satisfying the customer and the service providence of the online e-commerce websites. By studying some of the factors that impact customers for online shopping we found that Sometimes e-commerce websites provide flash sales which are of very short span of time, which will make the tracking of product price manually is very difficult. So, in-order to resolve this issue, our web application will let the user enter a specific amount which is in other words a desired price for a particular product. Then our web application will track the price of the product in shorter periods. So, whenever the price of the product reaches the user’s desired price, the user will get notified immediately to buy from the same website. A survey's performance of has shown that most people after utilize of our product have now begun to use online shopping websites regularly and are now more interested in buying items over the Internet. Price and confidence have now become the main motive of online shopping growth. Discounts and reliable delivery systems have captivated consumers to shopping online, and more.

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How to Cite
Dr. S. Muthusundari, Dr. S. Selvakanmani, Dr. S. Pratheepa, P. Kishore Kumar. (2021). Service Providence of Online Price Tracker for the Product. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 2422–2429. Retrieved from