Face Mask and Social Distance Detection Using Deep Learning Techniques

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Srithar S,, Swathi P., Tamilarasi A.


Liver disease, is the term given to any of the diseases or disorders that lead to the fall or loss of the liver's ability to functionThe liver is second largest organ in human body, and has more than 5,00 separate bodily functions including assistance the blood to clot, cleansing the blood of toxins, to convert food into nutrients, to control hormone levels, fight inflammation and disease, and reproduce again after injury and metabolizecholesterol, glucose and iron and control its levels. it is also produces bile Which contributes to digest fatty foods, liver diseaseincreases affecting about one in ten. Liver disease can be hereditary or caused by a variety of factors that damage the liver, in fact, there are many types disease of liver that can be caused by a virus, damage from drugs or chemicals, obesity, diabetes, or an attack from the immune system, when this is the case. These diseases are classified according to the main cause that led to their occurrence in addition to their effect on Liver, and it can be explained accordingly as follows. (Viral hepatitis,fatty liver disease, liver cancer,) This study focused on one types of viral hepatitis, which is, viral hepatitis B. The main variable was hepcidin hormone,  It was measured by the ELISA method according to standard procedures at wavelength: (450nm). ALP enzyme was automated measurement at the same wavelength.This study was aimed to evaluate hepcidin level in patients with hepatitis B Virus and its effect on the level of iron and other Parameters, and to assess the liver function enzyme and other biochemical test in Iraqi patients infected with Hepatitis B addition to Healthy individuals.

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How to Cite
Srithar S, Swathi P., Tamilarasi A. (2021). Face Mask and Social Distance Detection Using Deep Learning Techniques. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 08–15. Retrieved from http://annalsofrscb.ro/index.php/journal/article/view/4248