Effect of Citrus Limon and Menthapiperita oil on the Balantidium coli in Vitro

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Athraa A. A. Al-Hilfi, Najwa M. J. A. Abu-Mejdad, Mohammed Hussein Minati


Mint and lemon are medicinal plants that contain many effective compounds, such as oils against many pathogens, including the Balantidium coli parasite.In the current study, a crude hexane extract was prepared from lemon peels and mint leaves for the purpose of isolating and purifying lemon and mint oils from them by using thin layer chromatography, and the flow coefficient was determined for each oil separately. The effectiveness of purified oils was examined onto a water agar medium against the parasite Balantidium coli.Page solution was added to the medium for the purpose of activating the effectiveness of oils. The results showed a high effectiveness of lemon oil within four days, compared with the antibiotic (Albendazole) and peppermint oil against the parasite.Due to health and economic risks resulting from infection with the parasite, in addition to the concentration of medicines used in treating this parasite depending on chemical drugs, while natural materials drugs have not been taken to the same extent in the research and attention. Therefore, this study was conducted to test the anti-parasitic efficacy of lemon and mint extracts in vivo to understand the extent of their effectiveness against this parasite.

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How to Cite
Athraa A. A. Al-Hilfi, Najwa M. J. A. Abu-Mejdad, Mohammed Hussein Minati. (2021). Effect of Citrus Limon and Menthapiperita oil on the Balantidium coli in Vitro. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 11392–11397. Retrieved from http://annalsofrscb.ro/index.php/journal/article/view/3918