Difference of Knowledge Level on Mothers before and after Education of Caries Severity on Children Aged 5-6 Years Old (Research held in Tallo subdistrict of Pannampu Rt/Rw004/001 City of Makassar).

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Ilmianti ,Mohammad Dharma Utama.,Harun achmad., Yustisia Puspitasari, M. Nashiruddin Usman, Arsin, A. Arsunan


One of the problems that often happens on incicivus is the problem of dental cavities or dental caries. The caries gets wider, spreads faster, and worsens because of the habit of sweet foods consumption.  Further, it occurs because of imbalance maintenance of dental and mouth hygiene. Many cases of caries on children are due to lack of parents’ knowledge, especially the mother as the closest person to children on correct dental care selection. The mothers’ knowledge in health care gives a significant effect towards the children’s attitudes and behaviours. The samples were the mothers who have children under 5 to 6 years old. Objectives: To determine the level of mothers’ knowledge before and after education on caries severity on the children of 5 to 6 years old. Materials and methods: This research was analytic observation using cross-sectional method. The research populations were the mothers who have children aged in 5-6 years old. Results: There are differences in the level of mothers’ knowledge before and after education using Chisquare test analysis. The result of P-value is 0.000. Conclusion: The research found the difference level of mothers’ knowledge before and after educationon the caries severity

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How to Cite
Ilmianti ,Mohammad Dharma Utama.,Harun achmad., Yustisia Puspitasari, M. Nashiruddin Usman, Arsin, A. Arsunan. (2021). Difference of Knowledge Level on Mothers before and after Education of Caries Severity on Children Aged 5-6 Years Old (Research held in Tallo subdistrict of Pannampu Rt/Rw004/001 City of Makassar). Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 10744–10751. Retrieved from http://annalsofrscb.ro/index.php/journal/article/view/3846