Comparision Analysis between of Software Imagej and Adaptive Region Growing Approach Android-Based in Determining the Width of Periapical Abscess Lesions

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NurFadhilah Arifin1, Masriadi1, Mohammad Dharma Utama2 , Sarafin Aslan, Mila Febriany, Harun Achmad,Sitti Fadhillah Oemar Mattalitti, Amanah Pratiwi, Karnila


To determine the possibility of existing difference of software ImageJ and Adaptive Region Growing Approach based on Android in determining the width of periapical abscess lesions. Material & Methods: This Study was an observational analysis.This research was conducted in November until December 2019 at RSIGM UMI. The samples collected were 10 cases of radiography of periapical abscess.Digitalizing radiograph used software ImageJ and adaptive region growing approach android-basedto examine awidth number of lesions and then analyzed by Independent T-test. Results: the research found a difference broad measures of periapical abscess lesions with an average number of lesions on the software ImageJ of 3.87 mm2 and Android applications 21.51 mm2 (P-Value: 0.039) or (P < 0.05). Conclusion: it indicated significant differences between the measures of the full amount of periapical abscess lesions using software ImageJ and Android-based applications combined with software ImageJ.

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NurFadhilah Arifin1, Masriadi1, Mohammad Dharma Utama2 , Sarafin Aslan, Mila Febriany, Harun Achmad,Sitti Fadhillah Oemar Mattalitti, Amanah Pratiwi, Karnila. (2021). Comparision Analysis between of Software Imagej and Adaptive Region Growing Approach Android-Based in Determining the Width of Periapical Abscess Lesions. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 10698–10705. Retrieved from