Royal Jelly Improved in Vitro Maturated Bovine Oocytes

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Sammar Abdulkareem Abdulnabi, Abbas Fadhil Daham


The aim of this study was to see how royal jelly (RJ) supplementation to IVM media influenced the maturation of bovine oocytes in vitro. The cumulus oocyte complexes (COCs) were extracted from slaughterhouse bovine ovaries and divided into three groups (control group,  5mg/ml RJ, and 10mg/ml RJ) .All oocytes then maturated in vitro for 24 hours and evaluated morphologically under the microscope depend on the expansion of cumulus cells and viability of maturated oocytes. Results revealed that RJ causing insignificant improvement in the percentage of the in vitro maturated cow oocytes in compare to the control group (72.04% ± 6.46, 83.15% ± 4.02 and 60.21% ± 9.08) respectively, with the superiority of the 10mg/ml RJ comparing to 5mg/ml RJ. In respect to the viability of in vitro maturated cow oocytes , the results reveals a significance (P˂0.05) superiority of RJ groups in compare to the control (83.15% ± 4.02, 72.04% ± 6.46 and 60.21% ± 9.08), with best viability in the 10 mg group. In conclusion , RJ improves percentage of in vitro maturated  cow oocytes and  their viability post maturation in a level of 10 mg / ml and 5 mg / ml, with superiority to 10 mg /ml.

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How to Cite
Sammar Abdulkareem Abdulnabi, Abbas Fadhil Daham. (2021). Royal Jelly Improved in Vitro Maturated Bovine Oocytes. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 7653 –. Retrieved from