Pentafurcation of Left Coronary Artery- A Cadaveric Study from Rajasthan.

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Mrs. Neha Saini, Dr. Jaysee John, Dr. Abhilash Tripathi, Dr. Dhiraj Saxena


Background- Coronaries assume a significant part in perfusion of the heart tissues. Varieties or inconsistencies in coronary courses might be asymptomatic while some can be indicative and even reason abrupt passing. Information on coronary arteries varieties is significant in conclusion and treatment of cardiovascular sicknesses.

Aim: To describe variation of left coronary artery.

Materials and methods: a total of 100 human cadaveric hearts were dissected to describe the variation in their sprouting and route followed by left coronary artery.

Results and discussion:


Information on the ordinary and variations of coronaries is fundamental and basic both in determination, treatment and execution of interventional measures.

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How to Cite
Mrs. Neha Saini, Dr. Jaysee John, Dr. Abhilash Tripathi, Dr. Dhiraj Saxena. (2021). Pentafurcation of Left Coronary Artery- A Cadaveric Study from Rajasthan . Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 5634–5644. Retrieved from