Exploring Mass Media to Improve Fruit Consumption Pattern of a Section of Nigerian Adult Population

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Israel Olanrele Dada, Kayode Ajayi, Martha Werimagbe


Inadequate fruit consumption is responsible for high incidence of non-communicable diseases. This study was designed to assess fruit consumption pattern and to identify channels of information to reach Nigerian adult population. This cross-sectional study involved 300 staff of a private University in Ado-Ekiti, Nigeria. Personal data, fruit consumption pattern and sources of nutrition information were obtained using self-administered questionnaire. Respondents’ knowledge was obtained based on 20 questions. Chi-square test was used to establish relationship among variables at 5% level of significance. Majority (83.3%) were <50years. Most (97.3%) of the respondents consumed fresh fruits and more of males (62.0%) than females (35.3%); 64.3% consumed fruits ≤4 times in a week. More than two-thirds (69.6%) of the respondents had good knowledge of nutrition of fruit and only 35.7% consumed fruits more than 4 times in a week. More males (45.7%) than females (24.0%) had good knowledge score. Less than half listened to radio (41.7%) whereas 59.3% watched television more than 4 times per week. These were higher in males than females. The prominent sources of nutrition information were internet (79.0%), social media (71.0%). More respondents that watched television (66.3%) compared to those that listened to radio (57.0%) had good knowledge score. Low fruit consumption frequency was observed. Fewer females consumed fruits frequently and exposed to communication channels. Internet and social media are channels that can be explored to reach the studied population with specific nutrition information on fruits.

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How to Cite
Israel Olanrele Dada, Kayode Ajayi, Martha Werimagbe. (2021). Exploring Mass Media to Improve Fruit Consumption Pattern of a Section of Nigerian Adult Population. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 4604–4616. Retrieved from http://annalsofrscb.ro/index.php/journal/article/view/3008