The Efficacy of Propolis and Gentamycin Treatments on a Corneal Ulcer in Pigeons (Comparative Study)

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Dr. Rafid M. Naeem, Ibrahim MH Alrashid, Alaa A. Ibrahim.


The aim of the study: Our study aimed to compare the efficacy of recurrent topical applications of watery soluble propolis and commercial gentamicin eye drop for the treatment of non-infected, chemical corneal ulcers. Methods: Twenty adult pigeons were used in this study. A round 5mm diameter circular filter paper disk immersed in 1 N NaOH solution for 5 sec has been used to create a corneal ulcer. The immersed filter disk has been placed upon the surface of the central corneal, centered on the pupil, and gently held in place wit for 30 sec. The corneal ulcer induced unilaterally in every one of the pigeons. The twenty pigeons were divided into two separated groups. Ten birds were treated with watery soluble propolis (propolis treated group) and the other ten birds were treated with Gentamicin eye drops solution 0.3% w/v (gentamicin treated group). Results: Clinical examinations of ulcerated corneas of the group which treated with gentamicin showed a decrease in inflammatory markers and opacity was better than the group treated with Propolis, but after 20 days, clinical signs of corneal ulcer disappeared in both groups. At the end of the 10th-day propolis treated corneal tissues histologically showed desquamation of corneal epithelium, edematous stroma with inflammatory cells, and congestion of blood capillaries. The antibiotic-treated group showed the intact epithelium and stroma of the cornea, After 20 days of inducing ulcers, ulcerative corneal tissue treated with propolis showed recovered whole epithelium, but the corneal endothelial cells within the tissue were observed to swell, fragment, and shed. However, the antibiotic treated group showed a magnificent histological improvement in corneal healing. Conclusion: both gentamicin and propolis promote corneal ulcer healing at variable rates, the study suggests that gentamicin  have a more superior effect on the healing epithelium structure, and can be used as a preferred treatment for corneal ulcers.

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How to Cite
Dr. Rafid M. Naeem, Ibrahim MH Alrashid, Alaa A. Ibrahim. (2021). The Efficacy of Propolis and Gentamycin Treatments on a Corneal Ulcer in Pigeons (Comparative Study). Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 2473 –. Retrieved from