Results of Development of New Treatment Method Patients with Panarizations

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Bakodir B. SAFOEV, Orif Z. LATIPOV, Timur Sh. BOLTAEV


         This study is relevant in that patients with panaritium make up up to 30% of those seeking medical help from a polyclinic surgeon and up to 60-68.5% of the number of patients with purulent diseases. Every fourth panaritium is accompanied by damage to bone tissue. Purpose: to improve the results of treatment of patients with purulent destructive surgical diseases of the fingers by using an abacterial environment on an outpatient basis. Purpose: to improve the results of treatment of patients with purulent destructive surgical diseases of the fingers by using an abacterial environment on an outpatient basis. The 1st comparison group included 45 patients who used the traditional method of treatment, which included surgical treatment of a purulent focus followed by debridement of the wound with 25% Dimexide solution. In the second (main) group, 41 patients additionally, in accordance with the objectives of the study, were exposed to an abacterial environment on the purulent focus for 8 hours, 2 times a day. Conclusion: the developed method of additional influence on a purulent wound in case of purulent destructive surgical diseases of the abacterial hand with a 25% solution of Dimexide accelerated the transition of the wound process to the 2nd phase and reduced the duration of outpatient treatment by 6 days.

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How to Cite
Bakodir B. SAFOEV, Orif Z. LATIPOV, Timur Sh. BOLTAEV. (2021). Results of Development of New Treatment Method Patients with Panarizations. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 1838–1846. Retrieved from