Hematologic Evaluation and Histopathological Alteration of Nickel Nitrate Exposure in Male Rabbits

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Ahlam A. Al-Rikaby


The current work was done to determine the impacts of sub- acute exposure with two doses of nickel nitrate on the body and organs weights, hematologic  and some biochemical criteria  as well as  histological  changes of heart, liver and kidney in  adult male rabbits. Eighteen rabbits were used and distributed randomly into 3 groups, group one considered as control which was administered 1ml of distilled water orally, group two was administered 10mg/kg of nickel nitrate orally, group three was administered 20mg/kg of nickel nitrate orally. Our findings exhibited that nickel nitrate administration cause to moderate  alteration of complete blood count values in rabbits treated with 10mg/kg dose while marked changes were seen in rabbits treated with 20mg/kg dose. The histopathological changes in two dosages of nickel nitrate were notable. In conclusion, it can be concluded from current outcomes that exposure to nickel nitrite causing   pronounced  adverse effects in the blood and organs ( heart, liver and kidney) that indicating  that nickel nitrate  is hazard pollutant.    

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How to Cite
Ahlam A. Al-Rikaby. (2021). Hematologic Evaluation and Histopathological Alteration of Nickel Nitrate Exposure in Male Rabbits . Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 1307–1319. Retrieved from http://annalsofrscb.ro/index.php/journal/article/view/2616