Dynamics of Village Governance based on Law Number 6 Year 2014 Concerning Village Communities

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Nany Suryawati


Villages in Indonesia Sociologically related to the simple and light pattern of village life, economically related to the surrounding natural environment, which gives life to the local community, politically, related to the implementation of village governance. The goal is as a legal community unit which has the power to organize its own government. The authority to take care of oneself has been owned since the legal community unit was formed, without being given by other people / parties. Methods in conducting studies on the dynamics of village governance related to positive law, normative juridical, by examining the position of village government in the constitution. Article 18B paragraph (2) and Article 18 paragraph (7) include regulations regarding customary law communities. The conclusion of village government that is directly related to the community is to create a government that is sensitive to changes and developments that occur according to Article 4 of Law Number 6 of 2014. As for the political process, governance and village development no longer originates from central government policies in national development patterns. Provides the authority to keep up with changes and developments by harmonizing customary law with applicable laws, so that the existence of the village is maintained in the dynamics of village governance.

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How to Cite
Nany Suryawati. (2021). Dynamics of Village Governance based on Law Number 6 Year 2014 Concerning Village Communities. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 8324–8332. Retrieved from http://annalsofrscb.ro/index.php/journal/article/view/2374