Molecular Description of Aspergillus Species for Allergies and Asthma

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Kenan Adnan Abdullah, Milad A. Mezher


Aspergillus species are associated with bronchopulmonary allergy, mycotic keratitis, otomycosis, nose sinusitis, and invasive infections. At the end of this study, molecular descriptions of Aspergillus species allergies and asthma are examined. The temperature (Gradient PCR) of all samples has changed to determine the optimal conditions following several experiments to achieve this state. And there has been an increase in the DNA template concentration between (1.5-2μl), where the two factors are seen in the first anneal. Heated the agarose and cook at 45-50 °C until it's cooled. The 3μl load-buffer processor (Intron, Korea) are mixed with 5μl of the presumed DNA (load-dye) electrophoresis, and the loading process was now in the gel holes following the mixing process. The primers are dissolved in the ddH2O free so that a stock solution has been maintained with the highest concentration of 100 pmol/μl. Maxime PCR PreMix Kit (i-Taq) is a mixed product for one rxn PCR: i-Taq DNA, dNTP, Reaction Puffer, etc. The mixture is the product that offers the best possible result with the most convenient system. For the primary ITS1 amplification regions (5′‐TCGT AGGTGCG-3′′), ITS2 primary pair (5′‐GCTGCTCTGATGC-3′′) while the primary pairs ITS1 and ITS3 (5‐TCTCGTATTGATGATGC‐3′′) were full pairs for ITS1 enlarged area. The first step was 5 min at 60.3°C to desaturate PCR. In short, this study is the first to demonstrate the complicated relationship between Aspergillus species components. Our findings have shown that several major and minor allergens are extracts from raw Aspergillus species. A large number of allergens, including three main allergens, have been found in Aspergillus species.

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How to Cite
Kenan Adnan Abdullah, Milad A. Mezher. (2021). Molecular Description of Aspergillus Species for Allergies and Asthma. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 7853–7865. Retrieved from