A Study of Problems and Solutions to Legal Problems Affects Injured Persons who are not the Victim of Criminal Case, Thailand

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Sirivadee Wiwithkhunakorn, Sanya Kenaphoom


A victim who is not a crime victim is a person who is not a direct victim, such as parents, grandparents, grandchildren, grandchildren of the true victim in a criminal case, including his legal wife. These individuals suffered damages but were not receiving the remedies required by law. Therefore, this research aimed to study the legal issues, and legal solutions for the effects of injured persons who are not crime victims under the Criminal Witness Protection Act 2003, Thailand. This study investigates documents, related laws, and gathers information on legal problems and solutions that affect individuals who are injured who are not criminal victims. The research tools were in-depth interviews with personnel from relevant departments, including Judges of the Constitutional Court, judges of the Court of Justice, prosecutors, police, lawyers as well as victims of criminal cases, both direct and indirect victims.

The study found that legal issues are the absence of statutory provisions to protect injured persons who are not criminal victims which is inconsistent with the current situation in which there is a large number of injured persons who are not criminal victims in the criminal justice system. Therefore, guidelines for improving the law so that the law can be enforced effectively and fairly to all parties by enabling mutual integration among relevant agencies to strengthen and cooperate in developing law enforcement capabilities. This leads to an effective solution to the problem of injured persons who are not criminal victims.

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How to Cite
Sirivadee Wiwithkhunakorn, Sanya Kenaphoom. (2021). A Study of Problems and Solutions to Legal Problems Affects Injured Persons who are not the Victim of Criminal Case, Thailand. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 7531–7536. Retrieved from http://annalsofrscb.ro/index.php/journal/article/view/2294