Hypolipidemic and Hypoglycemic Effects of Phyllanthus Maderaspatensis L. Leaves in Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats

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A. Rajeswari, M. Shabana Begum


The present analysis was aimed towards the assessing the hypolipidemic and hypoglycemic potentials in the leaves ethanolic extracts from Phyllanthus maderaspatensis L. leaves in streptozotocin (STZ)induced diabetes rats. Animals had been orally treated for sixty days with P. maderaspatensis extracts at dosages of 100, 200 and 300 mg/kg bw. The anti-diabetic impact was evaluated by determining blood glucose (BG) at 0, 15, 30, 45 and 60 days after STZ treatment method and, total cholesterol, triglycerides (TG) high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), and lower density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) levels at sacrifice (day 61). Glibenclamide (0.6 mg/kg bw) was applied for comparing. STZ-provoked diabetic wistar rats proved modest to significant raises from the ranges of BG, TG, TC, LDL-C while body weight, HDL-C levels and relative weight of liver and pancreas were lowered in evaluation with normal rats. Administration in the leaves ethanolic extracts from P.maderaspatensis to STZ diabetic rats contributed to a noteworthy decrease in BG, TG, TC and LDL-C and the dosage 300 mg/kg bw of the leaves ethanolic extracts from P.maderaspatensis was the most effectual the HDL-C level was markedly greater after 60 days when assessed with untreated diabetic rats. A dosage-based raise in relative weight of diabetogenic organs was seen within the P. maderaspatensisgroups. It can be also noticed that the leaves ethanolic extracts from P.maderaspatensis, particularly the dosage 300 mg/kg bw (p<0.05), generated a lot more effects than glibenclamide. Rats cured with glibenclamide (0.6 mg/kg bw) generally presented reduce effects in association with groups cured with the leaves ethanolic extracts from P.maderaspatensis. Outcomes of the current investigation showed that P. maderaspatensis extracts and particularly its ethanolic extract have antidiabetogenic potentials and advantageous outcomes on diabetic hyperlipidemia. Every one of these consequences might be because of the active biomolecules exposed from the P. maderaspatensis extracts like flavanoids and phenols and that could justify its ethnomedical use.

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How to Cite
A. Rajeswari, M. Shabana Begum. (2021). Hypolipidemic and Hypoglycemic Effects of Phyllanthus Maderaspatensis L. Leaves in Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 4015–4028. Retrieved from http://annalsofrscb.ro/index.php/journal/article/view/1887