Spiritual Emotional Freedom Technique (Seft) In Reducing Primary Menstrual Pain Intensity Toward Female Students Atsma Negeri 6 Kediri

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Lumastari Ajeng Wijayanti, Satria Eureka Nurseskasatmata


Menstrual pain is a medical condition that occurs during menstruation that can disrupt activity. Besides, it requires treatment that is indicated by cramps or pain in abdominal or pelvic area. Based on WHO data in 2015, incident rate of dysmenorrhoea in Indonesia was 55% among productive ages, which the 15% of them complained about activity that became limited due to menstrual pain. Furthermore, this research aimed at determining Spiritual Emotional Freedom Technique (SEFT) in reducing the intensity of primary menstrual pain toward female students at Public senior high school6 Kediri, East Java Province, Indonesia. This sample selection utilized total sampling method and research targets were selected based on population characteristics that had been determined. Meanwhile, measuring instrument in this research was observation sheet of descriptive pain scale based on theory from Judha, M., S. & Fauziah, A., 2012. Results of this research showed thatmost of female studentsat Public senior high school 6 Kediri experienced moderate menstrual pain beforebeing treated by Spiritual Emotional Freedom Technique, then, most of female studentsat Public senior high school 6 Kediri experienced mild menstrual pain after being treated bySpiritual Emotional Freedom Technique. In conclusion, core version of Spiritual Emotional Freedom Technique (SEFT) could reduce the intensity of primary menstrual pain. Besides, core of SEFT method could be utilized as a treatment option in order to reduce non-pharmacologically menstrual pain when experiencing primary dysmenorrhea.

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How to Cite
Lumastari Ajeng Wijayanti, Satria Eureka Nurseskasatmata. (2021). Spiritual Emotional Freedom Technique (Seft) In Reducing Primary Menstrual Pain Intensity Toward Female Students Atsma Negeri 6 Kediri. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 3100–3108. Retrieved from http://annalsofrscb.ro/index.php/journal/article/view/1774