Morphometric and Densitometric Indicators of Salmonella Biofilm under the Exposure of a Disinfecting Preparation

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Ekaterina Lenchenko, Yury Vatnikov, Phan Van Khai, Evgeny Kulikov, Arfenia Karamyan, Elena Vasilieva, George Bannoud, Ifarajimi Rapheal Olabode


Objective: Study of morphometric and densitometric parameters of biofilms of microorganisms under the influence of a disinfectant.

Materials and methods: To study the morphology of biofilms in vitro, bacteria were cultivated at 37 ° C for 24 hours. When preparing preparations for optical microscopy, fixation was performed with a mixture of alcohol: ether – 1 : 1 for 10 minutes, stained with 0,5 % gentian violet solution - 2 minutes. The optical density of biofilms was determined by the degree of binding of crystal violet, the optical density was determined in an Immunochem–2100 microplate photometric analyzer (HTI, USA) at a wavelength of 490 nm. To obtain representative information, optical microscopy was performed by random selection of the field of view of a microscope model "BIOMED MS-1 Stereo" (Russia).

Results: When studying morphometric parameters after 48 hours of cultivation, 37 ° C with optical microscopy of preparations stained with gentian violet, general patterns of the formation of the heterogeneous structure of S. enteritidis biofilms were revealed: adhesion; fixation; maturation; growth; dispersion. Based on the analysis of densitometric indicators of microorganism cultures, it was established that after 48 hours of cultivation, the values ​​of the absolute values ​​of the optical density of microorganisms: ODs – 0,395±0,11, the intensity of biofilm formation – I ≥ 0,2–0,3, S. enteritidis microorganisms are moderate producers biofilms. Indicators of optical density of S. enteritidis under the influence of the drug "Ecodes", 0,10 %: ODs – 0,383±0,10 intensity of biofilm formation – I ≥ 0,2–0,3, cultures of microorganisms S. enteritidis – moderate producers of biofilms. Accordingly, when exposed to concentrations of 0,15 and 0,25 %: ODs – 0,281±0,09 – 0,204±0,09, the intensity of biofilm formation – I ≥ 0,1–0,2, microorganisms S. enteritidis are weak producers of biofilms.

Conclusion: During the formation of S. enteritidis biofilms, general patterns of the formation of the heterogeneous structure of S. enteritidis biofilms were revealed: adhesion; fixation; maturation; growth; dispersion. The frequency of occurrence of clusters - aggregation of microorganisms, united by a layer of the extracellular matrix, significantly decreased under the influence of various concentrations of the disinfectant "Ecodes".

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How to Cite
Ekaterina Lenchenko, Yury Vatnikov, Phan Van Khai, Evgeny Kulikov, Arfenia Karamyan, Elena Vasilieva, George Bannoud, Ifarajimi Rapheal Olabode. (2021). Morphometric and Densitometric Indicators of Salmonella Biofilm under the Exposure of a Disinfecting Preparation. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 1478–1487. Retrieved from