Knowledge and awareness of Hypertension among elderly Patients attending Primary Health Care Centers at Saudi Arabia 2022

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Essam Abdulrahim Khan, et. al



     The prevalence of hypertension (HTN) in Saudi Arabia is witnessing an ascending trend since 1992.  Hypertension (HTN) is a primary global health concern in ageing   . Moreover, according to the 2020 Global Burden of Disease, hypertension accounted for roughly a quarter of cardiovascular disease fatalities and 1.9 percent of all deaths in Saudi Arabia in 2012. High blood pressure (hypertension) continues to be a global health problem. It was responsible for a yearly 10.2 million deaths and 208 million years of modified life for disability. In 2021, the Saudi Minister of health MOH declared that out of five elderly Patients in the middle east four are suffering from hypertension. However, earlier Saudi studies showed that hypertension (HTN) prevalence among elderly was around 49%. This high prevalence of hypertension in elderly would be associated with an increase in hypertension in adult. Also, hypertension is a significant risk factor for cardiovascular disease, morbidity, and mortality especially for the elderly. However, assessing blood pressure (BP) and preventing hypertension among elderly has become a global priority. Education is one way that can be used to increase one's knowledge and awareness education can be given in various fields, including health, the important of this study was to knowledge the effect of health education on increasing the knowledge and awareness of elderly people with hypertension in Saudi Arabia.

Aim of the study: To determine the knowledge and awareness of Hypertension among elderly Patients attending Primary Health Care Centers at Saudi Arabia 2022.

Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted to examine the study objectives. Convenience sampling was used to recruit patients with hypertension who visited primary healthcare centers in Saudi Arabia 2022.

Results:  shows that most of the participants (44.0%) were in the age group 60-70 years, regarding the gender the majority of participant male were(66.0%), the occupation the majority of participant employed were (62.0%), years of Diagnosis/Duration of Hypertension the majority of participant duration from >10 years were(48.0%), the smoking the majority of participant yes, but quit now were(44.0%)

Conclusion: Prevalence of hypertension was high in elderly patients this population along with poor control, efforts are required to improve hypertension control focusing on older adults with those who are aged 60 years and above . So, measuring blood pressure is a necessity during elderly patient's check-ups.

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How to Cite
et. al, E. A. K. (2022). Knowledge and awareness of Hypertension among elderly Patients attending Primary Health Care Centers at Saudi Arabia 2022. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 26(01), 4854–4599. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Essam Abdulrahim Khan, et. al

Essam Abdulrahim Khan 1, Ali Hadi Saleh Almas2, Misfer Hussain Hammad Binnasib3, Ali Mohammed Hussain Al Abbas4, Abdullah Muhammad Hussein Al-Abbas5, Mohamed Abdullah Mosleh Alghfainah6, Saleh Mahdi Abdullah Al Abbas7, Hussain Mohammed Hussain Al Abbas8, Abdullah Mohammed Al Abbas9, Mansour Alhassan Almakrami10, Basel Salem Alsaidi11, Fahad Mahdi Abdullah Alabbas12, Fahad Jaralnabi Almalki13, Waleed Hamed Alghamdi14, Khoulod Mohmmad Khuzaee15


1Family Medicine Consultant, Makkah, Saudi Arabia.

2Dental Technician, New Najran General Hospital, Health Center Affairs, Saudi Arabia.

3Dental Assistant, ‏Najran General Hospital, Saudi Arabia.

4Health Administration, King Khaled Hospital, Saudi Arabia.

5Emergency medicine, Emergency and crisis management, Saudi Arabia.

6Health administration, Maternity & Children’s Hospital -Najran, Saudi Arabia.

7Pharmacy technician, Specialized Dental Center at Najran, Saudi Arabia.

8Medical Records Technician, Khabash General Hospital, Saudi Arabia.

9Health Administration, Specialized Dental Center, Saudi Arabia.

10Medical devices, Maternity and Children's Hospital, Saudi Arabia.

11General physician, Almabeda PHC, Saudi Arabia.

12Nursing, Nahoqa Health Center, Saudi Arabia.

13Nursing, Makkah Al-Mukarramah Health Complex, King Abdullah Medical City, Saudi Arabia.

14Technician-Health Informatics, Hera General Hospital, Saudi Arabia.

15Nursing technician, Al-Mansour Health Center, Saudi Arabia.