Examining the Zebrafish (Danio Rerio) Mitochondrial Genome Sequence and Vertebrate Evolutionary Trends Mitochondrial DNA

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Manoj Kumar


Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) transcription and replication genes, as well as genes encoding components of OxPhos complexes, were analysed for their expression in zebrafish at various times during development, beginning with the early embryo & continuing through the larval stage. Nucleotides that code for proteins, transfer RNAs, ribosomal RNA & a noncoding regulatory section compose the zebrafish (Danio rerio) mitochondrial genome, which is described in detail in this study. High early expression of structural OxPhos genes is consistent with the idea that the OxPhos system must be active early in embryogenesis, where mtDNA transcription must be activated as part of the process. High OxPhos structural gene expression at an early time point demonstrates the importance of an active OxPhos system throughout early development, as does the concept of early mtDNA transcription activation. Mitochondrial genome size in zebrafish was measured at 16,596 bp, which is very similar to the sizes of other teleost fishes (within 100 bp). It is only 18 nucleotides longer than the genome of the goldfish (Carassiusauratus) & 21 bp longer than the genome of the carp, both of which are cyprinids (Cyprinuscarpio).

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How to Cite
Manoj Kumar. (2012). Examining the Zebrafish (Danio Rerio) Mitochondrial Genome Sequence and Vertebrate Evolutionary Trends Mitochondrial DNA. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 01–09. Retrieved from http://annalsofrscb.ro/index.php/journal/article/view/11576