Callus Induction from Anther and Seed Explants of Local Rice (Oryza sativa L.) from Siak, Riau

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Formation of new superior varieties can be obtained using in vitro tissue culture techniques such as anther culture and somaclonal variation through callus culture. Somaclonal variation in rice can be obtained from callus induction using rice anthers and seeds. This study aims to examine the effect of growth regulator 2,4-D and NAA combined with kinetin on callus induction from anthers and to examine the effect of growth regulator 2,4-D on callus induction from the seeds of tasikmalaya rice . The results of this study indicate that the treatment of growth regulators 2,4-D and NAA combined with kinetin did not respond to callus formation from explants of anther of rice var. Tasikmalaya. Treatment of growth regulator 2,4-D stimulated callus formation from seed explants of rice var. Tasikmalaya with the highest percentage of callus formation 40% in 2 mg/l 2,4-D treatment, with a compact and friable texture and a white color.

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How to Cite
SITI FATONAH, FISKY AMELIA TESAMI. (2023). Callus Induction from Anther and Seed Explants of Local Rice (Oryza sativa L.) from Siak, Riau . Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 27(01), 88–99. Retrieved from