Effectiveness of Coma Arousal Techniques to Improve the Sensory Stimulation in Unconscious Patient’s

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Geeta Kushwaha, Subin S, Avinash Agrawal, Suhail Sarwar Siddiqui


Background: Coma arousal technique has evidence it suggest that early and regular administration of coma arousal technique helps to improve sensory function of unconscious patients. It involves tactile, auditory, verbal and motor sensory stimulation.

Aims: This study intended to determine the effectiveness of coma arousal technique to stimulate sensory stimulation in unconscious patients.

Materials and Methods: In this study quasi experimental one group pre-test and post-test design was used. Purposive sampling technique was used to assign 35 unconscious patients due to any pathology. Coma arousal technique was given to the participants for 30 minutes twice a day in the interval of 1 hour for 15 days. The level of consciousness was assessed with the help of Glasgow Coma Scale and sensory function was assessed by using Coma recovery scale-Revised. Data were analysed by paired t-test and chi-square.

Results: The findings of the study were overall pre-intervention mean of Glasgow coma scale was 4.28 and Standard deviation was 1.27 and pre-interventional mean of Coma recovery scale-revised was 4.14 and standard deviation was 2.56.The post interventional score of Glasgow coma scale was 9.65 and standard deviation was1.08 which reveals that  there was significance effective in improving sensory function. Researcher calculated the ‘t’ value was 3.24 for Glasgow coma scale and 2.40 for Coma recovery scale-revised and the tabulated value was at the level of significance p <0.05. On comparison it reveals that, the calculated value was greater than the tabulated value that means there was a significant change in the post interventional score of participants.

Conclusion: This study concluded that, application of coma arousal technique is an effective therapy to improve sensory functions in unconscious patients.

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How to Cite
Geeta Kushwaha, Subin S, Avinash Agrawal, Suhail Sarwar Siddiqui. (2022). Effectiveness of Coma Arousal Techniques to Improve the Sensory Stimulation in Unconscious Patient’s. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 26(01), 3594–3613. Retrieved from http://annalsofrscb.ro/index.php/journal/article/view/11452