Effect of Well Water on the Chemical Composition of Sheep Meat

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Hussein. A. KhAl-Azzawi, Tariq Kh. Albashr


This study was conducted in the College of Agriculture/Tikrit University/Postgraduate Laboratories and the Laboratory of Soil and Water Department, as it aimed to identify the salinity of well water used for irrigation and livestock grazing purposes in the Al-Alam district and its impact on the chemical composition and physical and chemical properties of sheep meat. The water of five types of sheep was studied. Wells on which flocks of sheep are raised, and which use well water for irrigation,The results of the study showed that the physical and chemical indicators of the studied well water exceeded the internationally permissible limits. The results recorded a high total hardness and ranged between (1650-1452) mg / liter, and the salinity of the water reached a value between (2.88-3.46) mg / liter, as well as The high sulfate concentrations reached a maximum value of (3402) mg/L, and the electrical conductivity reached (5525) microspheres/cm. The results of the study also showed that there were no significant differences in the level of moisture, as the highest level of moisture was recorded at (75.35)% in the kidney tissue in the area of ​​the third well, while the lowest level of moisture was recorded at (70.10)% in the muscle tissue of the back meat in the area of ​​the well the first.The results of the study also recorded that the protein did not record significant differences, as it reached the highest level of protein (20.30)% in the liver tissue in the area of ​​the third well, while the lowest level of protein was (17.10)% in the back meat, while the fat recorded the highest value of fat in The muscle tissue of the thigh meat was (6.25)% and the lowest level of fat was (3.30)% in the back meat at the area of ​​the first well, the ash did not record significant differences in all the studied samples.

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How to Cite
Hussein. A. KhAl-Azzawi, Tariq Kh. Albashr. (2022). Effect of Well Water on the Chemical Composition of Sheep Meat. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 26(01), 2983–2990. Retrieved from http://annalsofrscb.ro/index.php/journal/article/view/11367