Pharmacognostical Evaluation of Some Traditionally Important Medicinal Plants of Chunar Region of Uttar Pradesh

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Sandeep Singh, S. K. Gupta, Vishal Gupta


Herbs play a significant role, especially on modern time, when alarming effects and over-medication have assumed alarming properties. The growing interest in herb is a part of the movement towards change in life styles. The movement is based on the belief that the plants have potential for their uses as curative medicine. In the present investigation three plants were selected from Chunar region of Uttar Pradesh. In this study Pharmacognostical evaluation of Blumea lacera (Burm.f.) DC. (Nirmuli) Flowers, Leucas cephalotes Roxb. (Gumma) Flowers and Peristrophe bicalyculata (L) Merr. (Chotiharjori) Flowers were investigated and reported.

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How to Cite
Sandeep Singh, S. K. Gupta, Vishal Gupta. (2022). Pharmacognostical Evaluation of Some Traditionally Important Medicinal Plants of Chunar Region of Uttar Pradesh. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 1979–1990. Retrieved from